Slow Cooker Chickpeas, Tomato, and Kale

I have always been a “busy” person (who isn’t?!) but with the wedding literally around the corner, I feel as if I am the busiest I have ever been.  That being said, I am finding it harder to plan meals, actually COOK, and not eat the same thing every single night.

Insert the slow cooker.

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That beautiful invention has been my saving grace these past couple of weeks.  I am able to prep Brian’s chicken for the week easily by putting it in the crock pot and forgetting about it, and I am also able to multitask by completing other important “to-do” items while the crock-pot or slow cooker cooks away!

While I was prepping Monday night’s dinner, I tossed in the ingredients for this stew-like dish.  With little to no monitoring, this meal turned out great and even provided leftovers!  Leftovers have been another life saver during this busy period.

Not only was this meal convenient, but the kale is full of vitamins and minerals to keep my energy levels high and my body healthy.  In addition to being a quick meal and a healthy meal, this meal also TASTED GOOD.  Thank goodness!

The use of the Indian spice Garam Masala really gives this dish a unique flavor, and I am wondering if it could be subbed out with curry or other spices.  I’ll let ya know when I try it 😉

Without further ado, I hope you enjoy this quicky weeknight meal!

Slow Cooker Chickpeas, Tomato, and Kale


  • 3 cups Kale (chopped, rinsed, and removed from the hard stem)
  • 1 15oz can of chickpeas
  • 1 15 oz can of crushed tomatoes
  • 2 tsp garam masala
  • 1 tsp salt


Combine all ingredients in your favorite slow cooker.  Cook on high for 4-5 hours.  I haven’t tried, but I bet you could cook on low for 8 hours if that is what works best with your schedule.   Cooking the dish too long will simply result in a “soggier” texture!  Enjoy this dish on it’s own, or serve with cooked quinoa.


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