Scenes from the Weekend and The Casual Veggie

Hey friends!

How did the weekend treat ya?  Hopefully well!

Our weekend went really fast and actually felt pretty darn full!

Friday night we had a little get together with friends at our apartment.  There were tons of yummy appetizers and of course…the selfie stick 🙂



Saturday, Brian and I went to obedience school for Bernie, did Saturday errands and then went to a party for the family I nanny.

Sunday, I was so happy to get outside to enjoy the beautiful Aspen trees with an early morning hike!

Bernie’s yawn is a bit dramatic…

Bernie Yawn

We hiked in the Golden Gate Canyon State Park up the Horseshoe Trail to Frazer Meadow, which I think was a 4 mile out and back.  There wasn’t too much of an elevation gain, and the trail seemed pretty easy/moderate compared to some that we have been on before.

Golden Gate State Park

Golden Gate State Park

Golden Gate State Park

We got there around 8:30am, which was great because we beat the crowd!  When we got there we were among few people on the trail, but as we headed back to the car we saw a lot of people just starting out.

Brian and BernieTara and Bernie

While the Aspen trees weren’t quite as vibrant as the trees we saw in Vail last year, it was still a beautiful hike 🙂

Tara Brian Bernie

After the hike, we came home to clean up and get ready for the week before heading out to Boulder to meet Shawn and Meg from The Nourished Podcast.

Shawn Meg Tara

Meg and I have been internet friends for a couple of years now, and I just recently started listening to their podcast on my long runs.  When I found out they had a talk about the four pillars of health and happiness this weekend just 30 minutes from my house, I had to go!  It was amazing to meet them in person and hear what they had to say about nutrition, wellness, happiness and overall health.  I soaked it all up like a sponge 🙂

After the seminar, Brian and I had dinner in Boulder at one of my favorite restaurants…Zeal!

zeal boulder

We started with the fermented veggie plate appetizer (suggested by Meg…and so good!)

Zeal Boulder

Then we each ordered a “bowl.”

I got a pretty boring but delish “build your own” bowl of brown rice, all the veggies and shrimp.

Zeal Boulder

Brian ordered the Beef Braise and told me that it tasted like Irish Stew…needless to say, he loved it!

Zeal Boulder

We then came home to get ready for the week and relax 🙂

The Casual Veggie

One thing I want to mention is a fun blog collaboration I am a part of!

A few months ago, Mollie from Parsley and Pumpkins reached out to me asking if I would collaborate with 45+ other bloggers to create a cookbook that focused on how to cook, prepare, and store VEGGIES.  I honestly didn’t have to think twice about my response and immediately said yes!  I have always been a veggie lover and I adore learning new ways to incorporate veggies into my diet, so not only was I excited to contribute but I’m excited to check out what the other bloggers had to share!

Casual Veggie

The cook book is called The Casual Veggie and it will be for sale beginning October 19.

I am seriously so excited to see the finished product!  There are recipes for honestly every veggie I can imagine, with over 165 recipes in total.

As it gets closer to launch date, I’ll be sharing more details about the cook book on the blog, but I just had to give a little shout-out today because October is ALMOST here and I’m pretty excited about the project 🙂

For now, that is all I have to share with you!

I hope you all have a wonderful Monday 🙂

Let’s Here It!

  • What is one thing you had a blast doing this weekend?

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  1. Hi Tara!
    Really enjoying reading your blog (found it via Andrea Tooley!).
    Just wondering if (or perhaps you’ve done it?) you would consider doing a tutorial on how you style your hair into such lovely waves/curls? (For instance, in the last picture of you with the denim shirt and pearl necklace?).
    It’s so beautiful and looks like you’ve got it down pat!
    Much thanks!

    • Hi Kara!! Thanks for reading 🙂 I love Andrea!! I actually have not yet done a hair tutorial, but it’s in the works!! Thank you for the kind words 🙂 It means a lot!

    • Yes! We do have the gentle leader and it’s amazing. Seriously a game changer. The kind we got is the halty (not sure if I’m spelling that right!) and we prefer that to the gentle leader because it has a little padding on the nose area and it doesn’t rub into his eyes 🙂 Good luck! I definitely recommend it!

  2. Congratulations on the cookbook! I can’t wait to read it! I also went on a hike this weekend, and we had absolutely perfect weather. Our fall foliage will be perfect in two more weeks, so I’ll have to head back out to check it out! Have a great week Tara!