Pumpkin Egg White Oatmeal Recipe

A satisfying and hearty breakfast that is perfect for chilly fall mornings.  The combination of spices, pumpkin, and a touch of sweetness from the banana really warm you from the inside when you start your day with this meal. 

Pumpkin Egg White Oats via Treble in the Kitchen

A few of you asked me to share my pumpkin egg white oatmeal recipe with you after posting quite a few Instagram of this fabulous fall breakfast.  I have to admit, I’ve had the pictures taken for a couple of weeks now, I just needed to block out the time to WRITE everything down for you 🙂

Pumpkin Egg White Oatmeal

This has been a favorite fall breakfast this year, and I can honestly say that I make it once a week (at least!) I use bananas to slightly sweeten the pumpkin and oatmeal without adding refined sugar, but it’s definitely not overly sweet.  I find that if I’m craving something sweeter or if someone likes their oats with more sweetness, adding raisins on top is perfect!

I promise, you cannot taste the egg whites in this breakfast and it will FILL YOU UP!  When I eat this breakfast, I can usually power through until lunch with minimal snackage 🙂  <—always a good thing!  I hope you love this recipe as much as I do!

Pumpkin Egg White Oatmeal

Pumpkin Egg White Oatmeal

Yields: 1 serving


  • 1/3 cup oats
  • 1 cup water
  • 1/3 cup egg whites
  • 2 Tbsp pumpkin puree
  • Dash of (cinnamon, pumpkin pie spice, cloves)
  • 1/3-2/3 banana, mashed
  • Topping
  • s/mix-ins (nut butter, raisins, cranberries, walnuts, almonds, pumpkin seeds)


  1. Bring 1 cup water to boil in small sauce pan.
  2. Once water is at rolling boil, add in the oats.  Allow to cook while stirring for 1-2 minutes.
  3. Turn the heat down to medium.
  4. Add in the egg whites, pumpkin, and spices, continue to stir.
  5. After about a minute of stirring in the egg whites, pumpkin and spices add in the mashed banana.
  6. When the oatmeal is at your desired consistency, remove from the heat and serve in your favorite breakfast bowl with your favorite toppings!

For visual learners…

1.  Bring 1 cup water to boil in small sauce pan.

Pumpkin Egg White Oats via Treble in the Kitchen

2.  Once water is at rolling boil, add in the oats.  Allow to cook while stirring for 1-2 minutes.

Pumpkin Egg White Oats via Treble in the Kitchen

Pumpkin Egg White Oats via Treble in the Kitchen

3.  Turn the heat down to medium.

Pumpkin Egg White Oats via Treble in the Kitchen

4.  Add in the egg whites, pumpkin, and spices, continue to stir.

Pumpkin Egg White Oats via Treble in the Kitchen

Pumpkin Egg White Oats via Treble in the Kitchen

5. After about a minute of stirring in the egg whites, pumpkin and spices add in the mashed banana.

Pumpkin Egg White Oats via Treble in the Kitchen

6.  Top with your favorite toppings (mine is almond butter!) and enjoy!

Pumpkin Egg White Oats via Treble in the Kitchen

Pumpkin Egg White Oats via Treble in the Kitchen

If you give it a try, let me know!!

Happy Fall!

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    • Hi Regina! I like to save recipes like this to Pinterest! 🙂 Hope that helps! OR I use Evernote to compile all the yummy recipes I want to try.

  1. This looks delicious!! What site do you use to figure out the nutritional facts for your recipes? Thanks! 🙂

  2. Adding this to my recipe list! I’m an American expat living in the Netherlands, and canned pumpkin basically doesn’t exist over here. Lucky for me, my friend has a care package on the way and I happen to know it has a couple cans of pumpkin in it, so I’m saving this for when it gets here!