A very delicious package showed up at my door this week…
The team at Krema Nut Company reached out to me when I announced that I was giving up peanut butter (and all nut butters) for the 40 days and 40 nights of Lent this year. They were kind enough to send me a sample pack of their Krema and Crazy Richard’s creamy and crunchy peanut butters.
Krema has always been my favorite brand of peanut butter because of the awesome ingredient list (only peanuts!) and the delicious flavor.
To say that I am chomping at the bit to open up a jar of the creamy, salty, buttery stuff is an understatement! In order to tide me over, I have been scouring the internet to find the perfect peanut butter recipe to satisfy my post-Lent nut butter craving.
Since I can’t quite eat/make any of these recipes, I thought that I would share them all with you!
Here is a roundup of some of the best looking healthy and decadent peanut butter recipes that I have found.
Pretzel Peanut Carmel Peanut Butter Cookie Dough Truffle
Whole Wheat Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Muffins
Peanut Butter and Jelly Protein Smoothie
Peanut Butter Coconut and Fruit Granola Bars
Whole Wheat Peanut Butter Banana Bread
Based on this post, here are a few similar ones you should check out.
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I feel horrible for those who are allergic to nuts… i’m not sure I could ever function without them!!
I don’t know how I could function without them either 🙂
I am convinced that PB is one of the greatest foods to ever exist!! 🙂
It is pretty good, and I am so ready to try it again!
Thanks for linking my Pretzel Peanut Carmel Peanut Butter Cookie Dough Truffles. And bravo to you for making it 40 days w/out PB. Something I dont know if I could do. Enjoy your new PB stash – you deserve it!
No problem Averie!! I am putting that recipe on my “MUST MAKE” list! They look so good.