November Breakfast Challenge

Happy November!

This morning started out with a slightly different breakfast than my typical smoothie or oats…

coconut flour pancakes

I enjoyed a delicious batch of these Fluffy Coconut Flour Pancakes. ย I made them for Brian a couple of times, but I have never sat down to a breakfast of these pancakes myself. ย For some reason, I woke up with pancakes on the brain, and these seriously did the trick.

Having the banana on the side was the perfect addition to the almond butter on top of these pancakes. ย What a yummy Friday breakfast!

coconut flour pancakes

I started this new month with a brand new breakfast, which leads me to explain a little challenge I am participating in.

november breakfast challenge

Throughout the month of November, I will actually be participating in Meg‘s November Breakfast Challenge.

The challenge is to eat a different breakfast every day throughout the month of November, and track it in the Challenge Loop challenge with the other participants.

Am I nervous? ย A LITTLE! ย If you don’t recall, I am typically the girl who will rotate between overnight oats, hot oats, smoothies, and Greek yogurt bowls for breakfast so this will be a big change for me. ย Although I am nervous I am excited to get a little more variety into my morning meal.

To keep my creative juices flowing in the breakfast department I created a November Breakfast Challenge Pinterest board so I have a place to archive all the breakfast ideas I come across.

Wish me luck with the breakfast challenge, and have a great first day of November ๐Ÿ™‚

Question of the Morning:

  • What is your go-to breakfast? ย Feel free to share a recipe or link up below! ย I need some ideas!

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  1. Those pancakes sound great. I too am going to participate in the challenge. Not positive if I’ll be able to do it, but I want to at least make an attempt =)

    Have a great weekend, Tara

    • Laura you are the queen of a different breakfasts and I have you on my list of blogs with recipes to try!!! ๐Ÿ™‚