My Snow Day and a Recipe for Vegetable Shrimp Curry Crock Pot Meal

We are still experiencing EXTREMELY cold temps, icy roads, and another snow day here in Indy…and I can’t say I’m complaining. Β I feel like I am truly able to catch up on things after the busy holiday season.

Here is what a snapshot of our day looked like:

I decided to make Treble in the Kitchen’s first cooking video!

making a video

Then, I had to eat the finished product for lunch πŸ™‚


Did a little spring cleaning. Did you know you could lift up the stove to clean under it? Β Someone showed me this over the weekend…mind. blown.

cleaning the stove

Our crazy friends braved the cold to visit us and we did a little science experiment. Β We took boiling water and threw it outside to create instant snow…so cool!!!

Made these Whole 30 compliant salmon cakes for dinner…oh yum!! Β The first picture is my plate, the second is Brian’s. Β He topped his salmon cakes with a little aioli, which totally made them NON Whole 30, but that’s ok!

salmon cakes

salmon cakes with aioli

I practiced CXWORX lots! Β I can’t wait to teach the new release in a couple of weeks.

CXWORX equipment

That’s what I do on a snow day…and I get another today! Β πŸ™‚

As promised I have a delicious recipe for you that happens to be Whole 30 compliant.

Vegetable Shrimp Curry Crock Pot Meal

Vegetable Shrimp Curry Crock Pot Meal via Treble in the Kitchen Blog

This dish is SO simple, because all you do is put it in the crock pot and let it do it’s thing. The original recipe is this Vegetable Curry Crock Pot Dinner that I posted a while back. Β While that recipe IS healthy, it is not “Whole 30” so I gave the original recipe a little makeover and here is what I came up with:

Vegetable Shrimp Curry Crock Pot Meal


  • 3 carrots, sliced into rounds
  • 1/2 onion, chopped,
  • 3 minced garlic cloves
  • 2 Tbsp yellow curry powder
  • 1/2 tsp ground red pepper or cayenne
  • salt and pepper to taste
  • 1 large sweet potato, chopped into small pieces
  • 8 oz frozen green beans
  • 1 14.5 oz can of diced tomatoes
  • 2 cups of low sodium stock (vegetable)
  • 2 cups frozen shrimp (uncooked, peeled and deveined)


  1. Simply combine all ingredients EXCEPT the shrimp in your crock pot.
  2. Β Turn on low heat and allow to cook for about 8 hours.
  3. An hour before serving, add in the shrimp and give the meal a stir.
  4. Once the shrimp is pink all the way through and cooked, the meal is done!

**You don’t have to be completing the Whole 30 Challenge to enjoy this meal! Brian enjoyed this dish over brown rice, and I enjoyed it with a yummy side salad to get some more veggies in πŸ™‚

Question of the Day:

  • Have you had an adult snow day?
  • Do you go stir crazy or are you productive/enjoy the relaxation time?

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  1. I learned about the stove top about 5 years ago, and just ike you was completely mind blown. Ha Ha! I couldn’t believe just how much crud was underneath.

    Looking forward to your 1st video =)

    I actually love snow days – always a great time to be productive.

  2. I want to try throwing water out in this crazy coldness now too! I have a love/hate with staying in, on one hand I love having an excuse to be lazy but on the other, I feel too lazy not moving around too much!

  3. Okay, my mind is also BLOWN by the stove thing. I had no IDEA you could do that! It’s like the Buzzfeed article that was going around a few months ago about how you’ve been using all of these common items wrong. If you haven’t seen it, you need to google it.

    • Seriously! I couldn’t believe it either. Just googled it!!! That is pretty great! πŸ™‚ Thanks for sharing!