My First Experience with Soul Cycle

If you follow me on instagram or snapchat, then it’s no secret that this past Friday I tried my first SoulCycle class…and absolutely loved it!

SoulCycle X Target from Treble in the Kitchen

Upon entering the facility that was completely transformed into a popup SoulCycle studio overnight, I was greeted by the amazingly friendly and helpful staff of the event.  Music was pumping, the lights were low and I could tell that I was in for the ride of a lifetime 🙂SoulCycle X Target from Treble in the Kitchen

I received rental shoes and some adorable fitness clothes to wear thanks to C9.  (I LOVE the leggings!!)

SoulCycle X Target from Treble in the Kitchen

SoulCycle X Target from Treble in the Kitchen

There was a gif making photo booth along with tons of gear to purchase.  While I wanted to check out all of the goodies, I hurried upstairs so that I could set up my bike and get ready for class.

SoulCycle X Target from Treble in the Kitchen

I took the 8am class on Friday, the first class offered during this pop up weekend in Denver and it was packed!

SoulCycle X Target from Treble in the Kitchen

The SoulCycle Workout

While I have taken many cycling classes (and taught my fair share as well!), the bike setup was a bit different than your traditional indoor cycling bike.  They recommended setting the seat back a touch farther and having the seat a touch lower than normal.  This was supposed to put more of the work in our core.  At the start, the feeling of the bike took a little bit of time to get used to but midway through the first song it felt great and I was totally immersed in the workout.

The best way to describe the workout is like a dance party on the bike.  The class was so fun, the music was amazing, and the instructor had phenomenal personality and did a great job at explaining proper technique and safety as well as motivating each of us to reach our edge.   The workout went to the beat of the music, we used light handweights for a bit of upper body work, and spent time in and out of the saddle.  That being said, if you are a hardcore cyclist and prefer a class that is more similar to actually riding on the road, this probably isn’t the class for you.  On the other hand, if you LOVE getting lost in the music, having fun while working out and moving your body, and getting into the whole “we’re in this together!” mentality then I don’t know how you COULDN’T love this workout.

SoulCycle X Target from Treble in the Kitchen

Our instructor was Casey from San Fransisco.  She was so fun, I really want to go to San Fransisco just to take her class again!

PS:  her playlist was amazing! I have been listening to the SoulCycle X Target playlist on Spotify all weekend.

SoulCycle X Target from Treble in the Kitchen

After class, we received more swag and I was able to meet a couple of other Denver bloggers!

Hey Alena from Modaprints and Desire from Darling be Daring!

SoulCycle X Target from Treble in the Kitchen

Thank you so much for having me SoulCycle and Target!! 🙂  It was truly a blast and now I can’t WAIT to get to my next SoulCycle class!

Question of the Day:

  • Have you tried SoulCycle?  What did you think about the class?
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    • We did bicep curls, shoulder presses, tricep presses, etc all to the beat. Very similar to what you do in a barre class 🙂