I Tried It – Boxing!

I Finally Tried Boxing

This past Friday, Brian and I gave BOXINGΒ a try.

I’ll be honest in saying that we were both slightly nervous prior to heading into the workout because we had ZERO idea as to what we should expect.

It’s a workout that I have been wanting to try for some time, and my personal goal for the month of February was to try a workout that really made me step out of the box. Β As a gal who LOVES to get her sweat on in many different ways, finding a workout that really takes me out of my comfort zone is a challenge but boxing did the trick!

The coaches at Tygerkat BoxingΒ were extremely kind, thorough with their explanations, and motivating. Β If we weren’t moving, I would definitely go back!

Keep in mind that this was only one boxing class, and I have no other experience with this type of workout. Β That being said, I wanted to give an honest review of my experience below πŸ™‚

Boxing Fitness Class

What is a boxing fitness class?

Boxing is a sport where you punch with the fists. Β This can be done at a competitive level or a general fitness level. Β The facility Brian and I attended for our class offered both! Β It was a really neat experience to receive instruction from actual coaches and individuals who were passionate and experience about the sport.

What to Expect?

Prior to attending Tygerkat Boxing I honestly had zero clue as to what a boxing class included. Β This class started with a warm up of squats, shadow boxing (which they showed us how to do!), and exercises that were timed with a red light, green light timer.

After the warm up, we headed into the workout portion. Β The workout was a circuit set up with about 20 different stations with exercises such as a clean, overhead press, pushups on the bosu ball, box jumps, and using the rowing machine. Β We completed each exercise for 30 seconds and went through the entire circuit two times.

One the workout was complete, we put on padded gloves and we were taught how to punch the bag. Β This was so exhausting, especially after the workout!

Expect to sweat!

What to Bring/Wear

We were instructed to wear general fitness clothes, so I wore a tank top and running shorts and Brian wore running shorts and a workout T-shirt. We both wore running shoes. Β The individuals in the class that were more experience were wearing different shorts and special shoes, but our outfits were not out of place.

If you sweat a lot, you may want to bring a towel and as always bring water. Β  The way this facility gave out water was pretty unique, and bringing your own definitely wasn’t necessary but I appreciated having my own water to drink on the way home from the class.


  • We definitely had an endorphin high after class. Β It was very empowering, and I think we both felt pretty strong.
  • The coaches are extremely knowledgable, give a ton of feedback and are easy to talk to.
  • The overall workout got a lot of good strength training in for the entire body, and the boxing component provided a great cardiovascular workout. Β This type of fitness routine seems very balanced.


  • The studio we tried the boxing at only has one location, so if it’s not in your area I would recommend finding something close to you.
  • Classes are not offered all the time. Β They are offered by age group. Β The classes offered for adults are only available Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 8pm (which is a little late for Brian and I!)
  • Sweat! Β Of course, it always feels good (to me!) to sweat it out during a workout, but it’s something to consider if you have plans afterward. Β You will definitely need a shower.

Overall, I really enjoyed my boxing experience and I am looking forward to finding something similar to this in Indianapolis!

Questions of the Day:

  • HaveΒ you tried boxing?
  • What is something you have done to get out of your “comfort” zone recently?
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  1. Hey! I’ve read your post. It was worth reading it. Hope others will enjoy it too. I too have a website related to fitness. Visit our website for the best experience: Maskura Fitness

  2. I was hoping to read that you were instantly hooked and decided to actually take up boxing, but I do suppose it’s not necessarily for everyone πŸ˜›

    At least you tried it! That’s a lot more than most people can say.

  3. I definitely like the idea of boxing because it would be fun to take a little frustration out in the punching and kicking! I can definitely see this being a sweaty workout πŸ™‚