Last night after Body Pump, I was parched, but I could not find my water bottle anywhere…luckily I have a backup. When I got in the car to head to the gym to teach this morning, I figured out where I left my bottle…
I would rather be safe than sorry, thank goodness for double water bottles.
We then had an amazingly sweaty workout session. Seriously, this workout was hard, but it felt good. It was the kind of hard where you have to talk yourself into finishing, and at the end you are so glad you did. Literally, I was drenched by the end.
Here is what we did in our second round of Cardio Intervals:
Running Inspiration
As soon as I got home, I switched my top (yeah, I was that sweaty), and headed out for my 7 mile run. Yes it was the first time this week that I went for a run, but I was feeling good.
The run started out pretty slow. I decided to go downtown and run through the city, so there was a lot of stopping at stop lights, going up and down streets trying to avoid stop lights, and basically I wasn’t really pushing myself. At the beginning of the run, I honestly thought to myself
“Just log the miles…”
Then I saw her. My running inspiration. She didn’t look over the top fit, she didn’t have amazingly long legs, but she was taking long strides, she looked confidant and like she was enjoying every step that she took.
In that instant, I changed my mindset of “trying to log the miles” into “I want to challenge myself, and enjoy this run!” My short, quick steps turned into (what felt like) long, luxurious strides. I sang along with my ipod, looked around the people walking through the city, and the next thing I knew, my run was finished. I felt great, accomplished, even more sweaty than when I started, and satisfied.
Sometimes it is easy to forget why we do what we do. No one MADE me go on that run at 8:30 this morning, I wanted to go, so why shouldn’t I enjoy every second of it? I am so glad that I found my inspiration.
Today’s run: 7 miles with an 8:53 pace. 16 seconds per minute quicker than last time.
After stretching, I then made myself a delicious Pineapple Banana Smoothie, and I drank it as Brian and I layed by the pool 😉
Pineapple Banana Smoothie:
Combine all ingredients in blender and blend until smooth. Pour into your favorite cup and enjoy!
Calories: 246.3 Fat: 2.9g Carbs: 38.6g Protein: 20.6g
The protein powder and the Greek yogurt give this smoothie a protein punch to aid in muscle recovery after a hard workout.
I hope you all have a great Thursday in preparation for the long weekend, and basically the first weekend of summer!
Question of the Morning:
Based on this post, here are a few similar ones you should check out.
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