Hump Day Hummus

Good Hump Day Morning!

This morning, I woke up bright and early to another bowl of…overnight oats (tutorial coming soon!)

Smooth and creamy, just the way I like it.  This morning, I opted for no fruit, not for any specific reason…I just opted out.  And on the workout front, I will be completing today’s routine this evening.  I am teaching a class for the first time at a new-to-me gym, so I’ll take advantage of the timing and squeeze my workout in beforehand.

And on to other news…here it is, the recipe for Cauliflower Hummus!

This past weekend, I attended my first wedding shower EVER!  It was such a fun way to celebrate the upcoming wedding.  When I heard there was going to be a shower, me being me, I automatically started to brainstorm a snack that I could bring along to share.  Not only do I love to cook and experiment in the kitchen, but I love cooking for other people.  I figured there would probably be plenty of dessert, so I would make something more savory….then I stumbled upon an idea on the internet…Cauliflower Hummus.  What a unique idea!  But I had to give it a try, I thought it tasted delicious, Brian thought it could use a little less garlic.  Make it to your own tastes and enjoy the creaminess of this delicious vegetable dip.

Cauliflower Hummus (Original recipe from The Cavewoman Cafe)


  • One head of steamed cauliflower
  • 4 large cloves of fresh garlic, finely chopped (this is where  you might want to adjust the flavor)
  • 2 Tbsp almond butter
  • Juice of one lemon
  • 5 Tbsp olive oil
  • 1 tsp cumin
  • 1 tsp dried parsley
  • salt and pepper to taste


Make sure the steamed cauliflower is tender and almost falling apart.  While the cauliflower is steaming and cooling, in a blender or food processor combine the garlic, almond butter, lemon, olive oil, and spices.  After the cauliflower has cooled, gradually add it to the mixture in the processor or blender until it becomes the consistency that you prefer.  Store in the refrigerator and serve chilled with veggies, or dippers of your choice!

Enjoy your day and do something active 😉

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