Guest Post: My Favorite Summer Breakfast

Hello friends!  Here is a little treat for you…a guest post from the awesome Clare from Fitting It All In.  Enjoy 🙂

Treble In The Kitchen Guest Post: My Favorite Summer Breakfast

Hi guys! I’m Clare and I blog over at Fitting It All In. I write a lot about my workouts (lots of Crossfit and running), simple healthy meals, outfits, and trying to find my place in the real world. Sometimes I make really bad jokes. Come say hi!

Tara is enjoying a relaxation summer vacation in Florida (jealous) and I’m honored to take over while she’s gone. Today’s topic? My favorite summer breakfast.

I LOVE breakfast. I can’t believe I used to just grab a granola bar on my way out the door during school. Now I go to bed excited for the delicious meal I’m going to have the next morning. It definitely gets me out of bed.

In the winter I’m a big oats girl. Even down in Texas it gets pretty cold, and a bowl of creamy oats with sweet banana and sweet nut butter totally hits the spot.

But in the Texas summers I don’t need any help warming up! I tend to go for cool yogurt based breakfasts when it’s hot out. I’m a huge fan of overnight oats and love trying different flavors like pumpkin, blueberry cinnamon, and more.

Recently, though, I’ve been crazy busy. Busy enough that I don’t even want to take five minutes at night to prep my overnight oats. I want something I can throw together quickly once I get to work, but that doesn’t mean I want to sacrifice taste! Instead I’ve started to simplify my yogurt breakfasts.

Luckily my office has a kitchen and I can bring my ingredients on Monday to have breakfasts throughout the week. Here’s what I’ve been keeping on hand:

  1. Plain Greek yogurt – I’ve been into Fage lately
  2. Almond butter – I don’t refrigerate it so it’s extra drippy
  3. Bananas – Still a constant battle to get the perfect ripeness
  4. Chia seeds – I bring a little container of them
  5. Cinnamon and Stevia – I keep these at the office always

After I open my lap top and go through email, I can run into the kitchen and put together a cool, sweet breakfast. I mix cinnamon and stevia into the Greek yogurt then top it with chia seeds, banana slices, and a big spoonful of almond butter.

I get my protein, fats, and carbs to keep me full, and it’s the perfect treat after a sweaty morning workout.

What’s your favorite summer breakfast?

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