Fresh Quinoa Veggie Salad

Happy National Running Day!!

brian and taraBrian and I started out the morning with our scheduled weekly “longer” run in our 6 weeks to 6 miles program, and it just so happens that today is National Running Day.  What a great way to celebrate! 😉

We ran through downtown Indianapolis almost as soon as the sun came up.

indyI really enjoy running through the city as I love seeing lots of people out and about and I love the downtown atmosphere.  There weren’t too many people out and about early this morning, so it was kind of cool to see the city before it had really “woken up.”

photo (8)We ended up finishing our scheduled 4.5 miles with a nice pace of 8:36.  Brian has really been a trooper with training this time around, as this is the fastest he has ever run this distance.  Keep up the hard work, Brian!!!

garmin run


Now that you have heard about my workout, I’m ready to share some yummy food with you too!

fresh quinoa veggie saladRecently, I have been in love with everything avocado.  It has become a “regular” ingredient on the grocery list and I feel as if at least once a week Brian and I are whipping up a homemade batch of guacamole.

That being said, I am also trying to get a bit more creative with my use of avocado and branch out from the strict guacamole usage.

Another thing that really has had my craving as of late are fresh veggies and anything that looks bright and fresh.  As I was planning out my lunch options for the week, I got the sudden urge to whip up a tasty, veggie filled quinoa salad that included avocado.  Oh yummm is all that I have to say about this fresh creation.

Quinoa Veggie Salad Text

Fresh Quinoa Salad


  • 2 cups of quinoa, cooked
  • 1/2 avocado
  • 3 oz of chopped, baked tofu
  • 1 cup chopped cherry tomatos
  • 1/2 cup chopped onion
  • 1 cup canned corn, drained
  • 3 Tbsp lemon juice
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 1 tsp black pepper
  • red pepper to taste (optional)


Combine all ingredients in a large bowl.  Mix until thoroughly combined, and season with salt, pepper, and red pepper to taste.  Enjoy!!

I have been enjoying this delicious salad all by itself with a side of veggies and hummus:

quinoa veggie salad lunch

I have also enjoyed it over a bed of spinach and romaine with added black beans.

quinoa veggie salad lunchBoth options are completely delicious!



Questions of the Day:

  • Did you run today in honor of National Running Day?
  • What food item have you been craving recently?

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