Decadant Chocolate Cherry Oats

Breakfast this morning was a nice, filling, warm bowl of oats.  I can’t remember exactly when I had hot oats last but it has been a while for sure!

Chocolate cherry oats

These weren’t just any oats, these were chocolate cherry oats.  I think I’ve got a thing for chocolate and cherries right now considering the fact that my smoothie on Tuesday was also chocolate cherry 😉

Here is what was in my bowl:

Chocolate Cherry Oats


  • 1 cup water
  • 1/2 cup oats
  • 1/3 cup egg whites
  • 1/2 frozen banana
  • 1 packet stevia
  • 1 tsp unsweetened cocoa powder
  • Toppings:  1/2 cup frozen cherries, spoonful of Dark Chocolate Dreams peanut butter


To make my oats bigger than they really are, I make my oats with double the water!

First, combine the oats and the water in a large bowl and microwave for 2 minutes.  The next thing you want to do is add in the egg whites, banana, stevia, and cocoa powder.  Microwave for another 2 minutes.

Finally, remove from the microwave, top with the PB and cherries and enjoy!


Yesterday was kind of a crazy, off-the-wall day at work.  I spent the middle of my day at a student fair on the campus that the gym I work at is located on…just doing some Zumba in the crowd of people 😉


We then took a detour to get some Starbucks on our way back to the gym after the event….the line for Starbucks was too long, but we did have the chance to take a picture at the Cosmo on Campus tour booth.  No time for a mini makeover, though.

work fun

After my crazy day at work, I came home and got to work on a kitchen experiment…a veggie lasagna of sorts.

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The recipe is not quite perfected, and I need to figure out how to make it look pretty…but hopefully I will be able to share something with all of you soon!

summer squash lasagna

I then got into bed around 9pm, my usual bed time, but I simply wasn’t ready to sleep so I read a little bit of my SELF magazine.  It didn’t take long after I opened the magazine for my eyes to feel heavy enough for me to zonk out.

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And that was my day!  Hope you all had a great Wednesday too!

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  1. zumba outside, how fun! love that photo booth pic. i love those events with the silly props for photo making. i did SO many at blogher last summer. i could probably make a whole photo album of them. one even won me a year’s supply of seafood! that lasagna looks awesome. can’t wait for your recipe!

    • They are so tasty! I always opt for the frozen because they are pitted and seriously taste better than candy when I eat them by themselves 🙂