Cranberry Date Energy Balls

Last week, I received a ton of goodies in a goody bag that I received at the NIFS Mini-Marathon Training Program orientation.  One of the items that I was most excited about was the PROBAR Fuel.  I absolutely love having bars handy for those times when hunger strikes and I am on the go, but I try to be conscious of the ingredient list.  Sometimes they can get rather lengthy and be filled with words that I am unfamiliar with.  When I checked the back of the PROBAR Fuel for the nutrition stats and ingredients, I was happy to see that the list was relatively short, full of things that I could pronounce, and I had many of the ingredients in my pantry at home!

After spending the day studying on Saturday, I worked up quite the appetite.  Luckily, I packed my PROBAR with me for a quick snack.

pro bar

I loved the chewy texture, the delicious raspberry/cranberry flavor, and the fact that it held me over until I was able to make a proper meal.  As I was eating this delicious snack, the first thing I thought was “I have got to try to make these!”

Now, I didn’t have all of the ingredients, and some improvising was used, but I really think that my little kitchen experiment turned out as a win.

I decided to make my little bites into balls rather than bars simply because they are easier to shape, and I think they are cuter!  These little energy balls don’t just taste good.  They are gluten free, full of omega 3s, fiber, and carbohydrates for a little boost of energy.  These would be a great pre-workout snack, or afternoon pick-me-up.  I hope you enjoy!

cranberry date energy balls text

Cranberry Date Energy Balls

Yields:  about 25 small balls

Nutrition per ball:  Calories–85   Fat–3.4g   Carbs–13.1g   Protein–2.0g


  • 1 cup dates
  • 1/3 cup honey
  • 1/3 cup dried cranberries
  • 1 cup almonds
  • 2 Tbsp chia seeds
  • 2 Tbsp flax meal (ground flax seed)
  • 1/2 cup oats
  • 1 tsp cinnamon


In the food processor, combine the dates, honey, and dried cranberries to make a sticky puree.  Once combined, add in the remaining ingredients and blend until fully combined.  This will stick to the sides of the processor, so use a spatula to scrape it all out.  Roll the mixture into 25 small balls.   Store in the fridge and enjoy!

Do you ever try a new-to-you food then try to recreate it yourself?  What are some of your most successful recreations?

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