CoreCardio Circuit Review

Happy Monday!

This weekend was full of warm weather (like in the 70s!) art and a bit of skiing.

Friday night, we checked out First Friday in the art district on Santa Fe with some friends.  The weather was cool, but warm enough for only a light jacket.  There were TONS of people out and about and many different galleries with a variety of art to see.

Denver First Friday Art Walk

Saturday morning, Brian and I got up early (like 4am!!) to head up to Beaver Creek for a day on the slopes.  We encountered very little traffic on the drive up and on the drive home, which made our great day even better.

The staff was SO hospitable and friendly at Beaver Creek, we kind of felt like we were in Disney world.

Beaver Creek

As we left the parking lot, we were greeted by a friendly staff member offering granola bars (um yes please!).  Since we arrived so early, we snacked on our granola bars around the cozy fire prior to hitting the slopes.

Beaver Creek

Then, at the top of the mountain they were giving out free hot chocolate!  Brian was ALL over that 🙂

Beaver Creek

It was a great way to spend our Saturday.

Beaver Creek

Sunday, we did more productive things but we made sure to get outside in the beautiful weather to give Bernie a couple of good walks 🙂

Now that you’ve heard about my weekend, I wanted to share the details about a new group fitness class with you!

CoreCardio Circuit Review

If you’ve been reading this blog for a while, you already know that I have a self-diagnosed case of workout ADD.  Basically, I LOVE trying new-to-me workouts and truly enjoy finding different ways to move my body.  So, when the folks at CorePower Yoga offered to give me the opportunity to try out their new HIIT based fitness class, CoreCardio Circuit I immediately said YES!

corepower yoga

While I adore a variety of forms of movement, I really thrive on group classes with music blaring, a feeling of camaraderie, and intense bursts of movement that leave me sweating and gasping for air.  If you want me to cut to the chase…I LOVED this class!

CorePower Yoga CoreCardio Circuit

The Workout

While CoreCardio Circuit takes place at a yoga studio, this is NOT a yoga class.  You keep your sneakers on and you do NOT need a mat (crazy!).  Upon walking in the room, there will be 4 stations set up utilizing various equipment such as a ladder on the floor, steps with risers, hand weights, mats, cones, and anything else that will help you move your body and get a good sweat in.  At each station, there is a chart depicting three exercises (which is a GREAT reminder as you get into the workout!) that you will complete at that station.

Class always begins with a warm up that feels very “yogi,” but honestly I liked it! It gives time for the instructor to motivate the participants by giving us a word to focus on like “power” or “strength”,  and it allows the participants to get their head in the game and possibly set an intention.  The instructor then demos each movement and explains that she is our fitness butler and will get us any extra equipment that we need.  (<–love the idea of a fitness butler!)

When the workout begins you have 45 seconds to complete each exercise.  You complete each exercise at a particular station station then you either move to another station or complete a cardio burst such as burpees, jumping squats, high knees or jumping jacks.  Your instructor will guide you through 🙂 While you will definitely be encouraged to work at your own pace and modify as needed, the goal of the class is to burn out your muscles for a total body workout focusing on cardio and strength.

I loved that each time I attended class, it was the same format with different exercises, OH! and the music was blaring and just awesome.

What to Bring/Wear

Like I mentioned above, these classes are totally different than anything else offered at the studio.  Wear comfortable workout clothes that allow you to move, sneakers, water and bring a towel because you WILL get sweaty.

Overall, I really enjoyed the class.  Each session went by quickly, and the other participants and the instructors were super friendly.  I highly recommend at least trying CoreCardio Circuit if it’s offered somewhere around you!

Questions of the Day:

  • Share something fun about your weekend!
  • Have you tried any new fitness classes or types of workouts lately?
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Based on this post, here are a few similar ones you should check out.

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  1. I’m the exact same way when it comes to workouts. I think a month of the same thing is my absolute max, but usually end up changing things up after 2 weeks. I’d love to find something like this near me!

  2. Looks like a fun weekend! I’m so jealous of your skiing adventures 🙂 and woah that class sounds intense! I’m more of a walk around the park/yoga/barre exerciser haha

    • Thanks, Meme!! 🙂 The skiing is super fun 🙂 Walking, yoga and barre are amazing too!! I LOVE those types of workouts 🙂

  3. That sounds like such a fun class! I am so jealous of your ski day at Beaver Creek!! We actually got to use our boat this weekend as we had temps in the low 80s on Saturday!! It was so nice to just cruise around and relax in the sunshine!

    • So sorry about your wrist!! Those workouts sound like great options for you. So glad you are able to stay active!