Colfax Half Marathon Training Update: Week 4

Colfax Half Marathon via Treble in the Kitchen

Last week was another great one in the training books.  The plan I am following (and what I have found works best for my body) decreases mileage after some of the long run weeks, so this week the long run was only 6 miles.  Overall, my legs felt good, I didn’t get too sore after any of my runs, and my speed is increasing (although it’s not quite where I want it to be…).  Oh! And the weather is still gorgeous, so running outside has been a treat.


  • Monday | Teach Bodypump
  • Tuesday | Boot Camp
  • Wednesday | Tabata Sprinting Intervals

These were completed on the treadmill and felt really great (although I may have ALMOST fallen off of the treadmill, kind of like Taylor Swift in that new commercial).  Luckily, I did NOT fall off the treadmill and I was able to complete my run 🙂

  • Thursday | 6 miles (with Bernie)

Colfax Half Marathon from Treble in the Kitchen

This run was really great.  I wore a long sleeve top and shorts and actually was a little warmer than I prefer.  Bernie did awesome and stuck right by my side.  Also, thank you so much for the advice in last week’s post about running with dogs.  We make sure to do long walks with Bernie (like 5 miles), go on shorter runs (around 3 miles), take him to off leash parks, hike with him, and exercise him every single day so when we get to the higher mileage, we have definitely worked our way up 🙂  I’m anxious/excited to see how he will do with my final 12 mile long run…honestly, I think he will do great!

  • Friday | Tabata
  • Saturday | OFF/long walk with Bernie
  • Sunday | OFF/long walk with Bernie

Another great week of training in the books! This week, I’m tackling 9 miles…wish us luck!

PS:  I want to apologize for being more MIA than normal.  I have finals this month with one test each week until the last week of April, so it’s a little challenging for me to focus on anything else…but I’m trying! I promise I’ll be back with lots to share at the end of the month/in May 🙂

Question of the Day:

  • Have you ever fallen off of a treadmill?
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  1. Ha I totally have fallen off a treadmill once before. I was imitating a friend and lost my balance, and then got my knees all scraped up from the belt still moving. Haha it was quite the site to see! Luckily it was only in her basement and not at the gym!

    • What a bad first experience! I don’t blame Dan for being a little shy around the treadmill now 🙂