Clean and Simple Strawberry Sauce

Thank you all so much for the kind words and support on yesterday’s post!  I am beyond excited and hope to share some details of what my first week on the job has been like later in the week.


Now let’s rewind backa bit to Easter:

For Easter, my mom made a delicious batch of French toast (sorry…for some reason I didn’t take a picture!).  For the French toast, she asked me to make a fruit sauce to go on top of it.

I am always thinking about ways to “healthify” and “clean-up” various recipes, and this fruit sauce was no exception.  My family flips over the taste of strawberries, so strawberry was my fruit of choice.  I must say, this clean, tasty, simple, and pretty strawberry sauce could not have been easier!   It was delicious over the French toast, but would also be a great addition to protein pancakes (or regular pancakes!), waffles, Greek yogurt, frozen yogurt, ice cream, anything really!

This sauce doesn’t include any refined or processed sugar and has a very short ingredient list.  I hope you enjoy!Strawberry Sauce text

Clean and Simple Strawberry Sauce


  • 2 cups whole frozen strawberries
  • 1/2 cup maple syrup
  • 1 cup orange juice (preferably 100% juice not from concentrate)
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract


  1. Place all ingredients in a medium sized sauce pan over medium high heat.
  2. Simply stir the mixture periodically to make sure that it does not burn over a period of about 45 minutes.
  3. That is pretty much it!  When the liquid is mostly cooked out, turn the heat down to simmer.  The longer you allow the sauce to simmer, the thicker the sauce will be.
  4. Allow the sauce to cool slightly before serving…it will be HOT!


Strawberry SauceQuestion of the Morning:

  • What is your favorite fruit, and how do you like to eat it?  Do you put it in a recipe or just eat it au naturale?

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  1. Yum! I am starting a new fitness/lifestyle regimen at the end of this month and that would be delicious on my morning protein pancakes.

  2. I’m really looking forward to putting this on top of a brownie! 🙂

    I’m a big fan of any fruit that is in season (hurry up, Summer!), but a banana slathered with pb always makes me happy.