Cauliflower Pizza Dough and Weekend Updates

First things first…I promised you a recipe.  I did attempt this recipe once before with good points on the flavor, but not so much on the presentation…

Cauliflower Pizza Dough (Adapted from

Yields:  4 Servings

Cook Time:  About 1 hour total (prep included)


  • 1 head of cauliflower
  • 1 1/2 cups part-skim mozzarella
  • 1/2 cup of parmesan cheese
  • 2 egg whites
  • Pizza toppings! (I used 1 cup spinach, half tomato, and mozzarella cheese)
Preheat the oven to 450 degrees.
First, I processed the cauliflower in my food processor but putting it in the shredder blade until it looked like mozzarella cheese or rice.
I then put it in a microwave safe bowl and covered it with a paper towel and microwaved it for 4 minutes.  Do not add water.  I then let it sit in the microwave for about 5 minutes to steam.  I removed it from the microwave and stirred it all up adding in the mozzarella, parmesan, and egg whites.
I then flattened out the entire mixture onto a greased baking pan and sprinkled it with Italian seasoning and garlic salt, but you can add whatever flavor you like!
Place the pizza dough into the oven for about 15 minutes until it is nice and brown.
Then, remove the dough from the oven and top with your favorite toppings!  The crust may be a little bit hard to get off the pan even if you grease it, so it is best to use a large spatula to remove from the pan.  ENJOY!
Nutrition based on my toppings for a pizza divided 4 ways:
Calories:  310.2 Fat:  17.6g  Carbs:  8.7g  Protein:  30.1g
Today started with my usual (lately)…oats!  I did some grocery shopping yesterday and picked up some blueberries as a fun mix in for my morning bowl of goodness.  Today’s bowl included oats, blueberries, strawberries, Sunwarrior protein, and a little bit of crunchy peanut butter.
I then did a home workout circuit that required absolutely NO workout equipment!!
It took me about 30 minutes to complete, which gave me time to get some stretching in afterward.  I tend to neglect my stretching, even though I know it is sooo important, so when I do it I like to make sure that I do a great job of it!
I then had a fun meeting this afternoon with one of my friends from Butler, who does freelance graphic design work, about making the logo for the wedding!  It was so fun to get back into the wedding swing of things (taking five months off from planning is a long time!).  She had great ideas, and I know that we will be happy with the end product.  Last night, Brian and I had a session on pinterest pinning all of the logo and monogram ideas that inspired us.  Here are a couple that really stuck out to us.
I can’t wait to see what the end result is 😉
Sunday Tradition
Brian and I then went to church and had dinner with his parents.  While I was gone, Brian told me that he often went to his parents’ house on Sundays, and I like the idea of that tradition so we are going to try to keep up with it!
For dinner, we had a delicious salad, grilled veggies, and a delicious cod that his dad prepared.
It was all so tasty!  We did eat it all, but somehow managed to save a little room for dessert afterwards.  It was the perfect way to end the week and set the tone for the next one.
Dog Sitting
This week Brian and I are dog sitting for a little Weimaraner named Gucci and we absolutely LOVE her!  She is so cute and friendly.  Brian and I definitely want a dog in the future and a Weimaraner is potentially a prospective breed.  So far, our little trial is going well.
Now, Brian and I are getting ready to read a little more of the Hunger Games before bed, the end is getting near and I can’t wait to see how it all wraps up!
Hope you all had a great Sunday and are ready for the week to begin!

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