Better than a Cup of Joe

Hello and happy Saturday!

My Saturday was off to a great and early start with an 8am spinning class this morning.  But before we dive into that, let’s talk about last night.


Originally, I had great plans to take Brian through a workout at one of the gyms that I teach at.  This was a test week for Brian (who is in dental school for those who didn’t know), and by the end of these weeks he is literally exhausted.  I completely understand and appreciate that, so when the topic of heading to the gym came up last night Brian kindly asked if he could take a rain check on my offer.  To me, working out makes me feel alive and completely pumped up…but I realize that it is not like that for everyone, and I would never want to someone to feel like I was forcing them to workout, so I headed to the gym by myself.

I completed 3 miles earlier in the day, so I did some upper body strength training.  Usually,  I try to go in with a specific plan, but yesterday I was much more go-with-the-flow.  I then taught a 30 minute abs class with this routine:

Touchdown exercise:  This exercise really works your rhomboids (muscles in your upper back).  To do this move, lie on your tummy and pull your belly button into the spine so that you feel the hip bones into the ground.  Extend your arms out in front of you, and lift your upper body up.  Pull your arms down to your sides as if making a touch down goal post:

Touchdown Arms

As you are pulling your arms down, really focus on squeezing your shoulder blades together.  I always imagine that there is a pencil between my shoulder blades and I want to keep it there.  Then, lower your body back to the ground and extend your arms back into starting position and repeat.

Superman:  Begin on all fours, making sure that your hips are in line with your knees and your shoulders are in line with your hands.  Extend one arm and the opposite leg.  Keep your belly button pulled into your spine to keep the abdominals activated.  Pull the extended knee and elbow into each other, then extend back to starting position and repeat.  Do the same on the other side.  Make sure to keep your hips level with the ground and your body in a straight line.

Superman starting position

I then came home and baked up some tofu and placed in on some veggies for a nice little tofu salad for dinner!

I have never baked tofu, so last night I just gave it a try.  It was soooo simple!  I cut up the tofu into little cubes (after squeezing out the excess liquid), I then tossed it in some spices that sounded good to me (garlic salt, pepper, cumin, red pepper, you can use whatever!).  I then placed it on a baking sheet and baked it at 400 degrees for 15 minutes.  It came out a little bit crispy on the edges, and had delicious flavor.  I will definitely be doing that again 😉

Brian and I then headed to a little bar/pizzaria to visit our friend, Cassie, who was working there.  It was a great, chill way to spend a Friday night.

On to today…


Like I said, I started the day bright and early with a spinning class, and LOVED it!  I swear, spinning gets me going better than a morning cup of coffee!  Afterwards, I feel like I could run a marathon (well not literally…), but I feel pretty darn good.

I then headed home, and am now prepping my to-do list for the day:

  • Do the dishes
  • Pick up the bedroom
  • Bake Easter goodies
  • Decorate for Easter
  • Plan a fun activity for Brian and I to do
  • Run 5 miles (it’s on the sched…)

Lucy and I are going to be spending some quality time together this afternoon. mixer

I hope you all have something fun to do on this beautiful Saturday 🙂  Happy weekend!

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