Best Anniversary Gift Ever!

Brian and I have officially been married for one month and one day.  Man, that month flew by!


Breakfast was the exact same yesterday as it was today.  The only difference is that yesterday I ate my breakfast in the break room at work, and today I ate my breakfast in the car…


Plain Greek yogurt mixed with stevia, banana, blackberries, and topped with some homemade dark chocolate almond butter.  YUM!  I swear, if it were appropriate to only eat and survive off of nut butters…I would do it!

breakfast 2

When I arrived home yesterday, I had the most amazing anniversary present waiting for me and it wasn’t even from Brian.

wedding photos

We received our wedding photos!  I can’t believe how quickly they came in. Brian and I spent a good hour and half looking through the pictures on one of the discs, and we will finish up the second disc tonight!  I. Can’t. Wait.  After seeing the first half last night, I can’t wait to start sharing wedding details with you all once I am finished sharing the honeymoon details.

Even though the wedding pictures weren’t from Brian, he did bring our grill home from his parent’s house!  Grilled fish for dinner?  Comin’ riiiight up!


Oh yes dinner was amazing.  Grilled salmon, roasted broccoli and squash, and a delicious corn and black bean quinoa mixture.  I promise, I will share that quinoa recipe with you later 🙂

dinner 2

I hope you all had a great start to the week too!

Question of the Morning:

  • What was one good thing about the start to your week?
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