Avocado Chicken Salad

I honestly can’t believe it haven’t shared this recipe with you yet.  This mayo-free chicken salad literally makes an appearance just about every other week in our house for Brian’s lunches.  I whip up a batch on Sunday and it’s good to go with some sprouted grain bread, micro greens, romaine, maybe a slice of tomato, and occasionally a slice of cheese.

Avocado Chicken Salad via Treble in the Kitchen

I love having it prepped and ready to go, because it’s something both of us can enjoy (when I am not following the low FODMAP diet) and it is so EASY.

We sub the mayo in traditional chicken salad for dijon and avocado, so this simple lunch-time meal still has a wonderfully creamy texture…you just have some healthy, nutritious fats hidden in there!

Avocado Chicken Salad via Treble in the Kitchen

Here is the recipe for you to check out!  I recommend making this on Saturday or Sunday and then serving as a sandwich (Brian’s preference) or on top of a bed of greens and chopped veggies (my preference).


Mayo-Free Avocado Chicken Salad

Yields:  About 5 servings


  • 2 chicken breasts cooked and shredded *see note
  • 2 avocados (ripe when slightly soft)
  • 3 Tbsp dijon mustard
  • Juice of 1 lime (about 1-2 Tbsp)
  • 1 tsp cumin
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • 1/4 tsp black pepper


  1. Place all ingredients in a large bowl and stir until thoroughly combined.
  2. Serve any way you desire (on a sandwich, over salad greens, with endurance crackers, fresh veggies, your choice!)
  3. Store leftovers in the fridge in a sealed container for 4-5 days.  Makes great lunches later in the week!

*I like to put my chicken in the crock pot with about 1 cup of water or homemade chicken broth and a little salt and pepper.  I allow to cook on medium heat from morning until night.  This allows the chicken to cook and stay moist, so it is super easy to shred.  Often times, I will shred it right in the crock pot so I don’t dirty any extra dishes!

Avocado Chicken Salad via Treble in the Kitchen

I hope you guys enjoy this recipe!!! 🙂

Question of the Day:

  • What is a go-to lunch recipe in your household?

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