August Moving Forward

Ok! So wordpress is back up and working well! So here are some things that we missed this morning because there were no pictures…

Last day of working in this lovely uniform

I had a delicious coffeelicious smoothie this morning in a cup rather than my usual bowl.

Today was a great last day of working with Emmis Community Outreach and Riley Hospital for Children.  We only had a bout 20 kids to give helmets to, but they all were smart, happy, and well behaved!

I got home from work and changed clothes right away so that I could head to Pilates over at Butler taught by the wonderful Beth, she is my boss as a group fitness instructor but she was also a member of my sorority at Butler.  She just graduated a couple of years before me 🙂


For dinner I tried something new, Kale Chips!  These were so simple and were crunchy, tasted salty (because of the seasonings), and tasted great with ketchup.

Kale Chips


  • 3/4 of a bunch of kale
  • seasonings (seasoned salt, salt, pepper, garlic, whatever you want to use!)
  • 1 Tbsp of olive oil or nonstick cooking spray
Preheat the oven to 400 degrees. Begin by rinsing off the bunch of kale.  Dry it completely.  Then, rip off the leaves from the thick stem and spread them out onto a cookie sheet.  Toss the leaves in the olive oil or the cooking spray.  Sprinkle with seasonings to taste.  Place in the oven for 10-15 minutes until all of the “chips” are crunchy.  Dip in ketchup and enjoy!
Makes 2 large servings
Kale before it's cooked
Cooked up kale

We had the kale chips along side a baked potato.  I topped mine with salsa.

August Moving Forward

I mentioned earlier today that it was weird to me that I am not going back to school this August, and that it almost feels like I don’t have any major events to look forward to (which is so untrue!).  I just don’t have the usual things to look forward to such as sorority socials, a new class schedule, internships, rehearsals, auditions etc.  One thing I do have to look forward to this month is a new job!  Although it is yet another part-time job to hold me over until October, it should still be fun and exciting.


I am currently watching the Bachelorette with Brian and it is so nerve-wracking!! I wonder who she will end up with!!! 🙂

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