Good evening friends!
I hope that everyone has had amazingly productive days. My afternoon was spent listening to the same songs over and over again practicing my choreography for my BodyPump certification coming up this Saturday. I am definitely getting the hang of things, but I am also definitely nervous because I am not sure what to expect. I just have to remember to have fun with it, and do my best.
I took a break for lunch and made myself a delicious salad of spinach and romaine topped with cauliflower, broccoli, tomato, red onion, cucumber, and tuna, all topped with a combination of mom’s homemade salsa and the last of my homemade hummus. The salad was delicious, but I was craving a little something sweet…so I had two of these:
Don’t worry, recipe coming soon!
After listening to the same songs on repeat and memorizing the new BodyPump release, Brian finally came home and got to be my guinea pig! We didn’t actually use dumbbells, but I took him through the two tracks that I am expected to have memorized for Saturday. It is so helpful actually seeing someone do the exercises that I am instructing. Based on what I see him doing, I can then correct and cue accordingly. When I am talking to myself…things get a little bit boring.
I then took Brian through his Boot Camp workout routine, and the next thing I knew it was time for dinner.
I have been experimenting with a lot of different ways to use tofu, lately, and tonight I came up with a really tasty recipe that Brian (the meat eater) and I were both able to enjoy!
Asian Baked Tofu
Spray a baking sheet with nonstick cooking spray and place the marinated tofu slices on the sheet.
Bake in the oven for 25-30 minutes, flipping each piece halfway through.
I served the tofu alongside some oven roasted cauliflower, broccoli, and onion. The meal was flavorful and so tasty 🙂 We both cleaned our plates.
Now, Brian and I are watching Jeapordy, (one of my favorite shows) and have big plans of hanging out on the couch, relaxing and watching Modern Family tonight.
Questions of the night:
Based on this post, here are a few similar ones you should check out.
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