My nutrition philosophy is simple and based on a whole foods way of eating. I don’t think anyone said it better than Michael Pollan himself:

“Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants.”

I believe that there is not one perfect way for everyone to eat, but I also believe that you can’t go too far off the right path if you are eating a lot of vegetables, fruits, real whole foods, and paying attention to what makes you feel your best.

It is my mission to share with the world that nourishing foods are delicious and comforting for the soul and should never be tasteless or bland.

I am also convinced that delicious, comforting, and nutritious food should be accessible to everyone. In addition to eating vibrant, nutrient-rich foods, it’s imperative that we move our bodies in ways that we love each and every day. To sum it all up, if we all ate nourishing foods, paid attention to the signals our bodies send us every day, and moved our bodies more I think the world may be a happier place.

– Tara

I’m so glad you’re here. If you’d like to work together, get in touch with me via email and we’ll chat more.

Email Tara

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