A Whole Lot of Nothing

Tonight, I feel like I have done a whole lot….of nothing.  After lunch, I took the puppies on a walk.  It is hard to get them to pose for a picture because I feel like they are ALWAYS moving, at least when I try to take pictures of them.

Attempt 1:

Attempt 2:

Finally a decent one 🙂 They were playing with each other.

I then went to the apartment to meet Brian for dinner.  I quickly steamed some asparagus…and I must say it was perfectly steamed. Slightly crunchy and full of flavor!  The asparagus was served along side a Morningstar Farms Black Bean Burger.  Simple, quick, and tasty.

I then backed up my computer on my external hard drive because my power adapter has been giving me troubles.  My computer is about 5 years old, so I guess some problems are expected at this point.

The cord is beginning to come apart, so I taped it together until my new one comes in the mail…which should be soon.

While my computer was backing up, I decided to take advantage of the weather and go on a little 40 minute jog.  The weather is seriously perfect!  The only downfall…it is a little windy, which makes it hard when you are running against it, but it was still a great run.  There were so many people out and about, and that is what I love to see.


I then packed up my computer and headed back to the puppies, I played around with them for a bit, and the next thing I knew it was just about 9pm!  Where did the day go?  I feel like I didn’t stop the whole day…yet the to-do list is not done.  That’s what tomorrow is for, I guess!


This is so random, but about a year ago, I participated in a survey for people with contacts.  Well, they sent me a follow-up survey today and for completing it, I got a $25 gift card!! How awesome is that?  I love free stuff 😉

Alright my friends!  Off to relax for the evening.


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