Peppermint Puppy Chow

I have been doing a LOT of baking these past couple of weeks…


I have been organizing a cookie exchange at work, making treats for friends and family, and last minute I found out that TODAY we have a pot luck at work.  Luckily, when my mom and I put our heads together we can usually come up with a pretty great idea.  I knew that I needed something fast, tasty, and festive…my mom knew just the recipe.  Peppermint Puppy Chow.  I whipped it together in just about 15 minutes (maybe less!).  The best thing about it…this stuff is addicting, so it is almost guaranteed to go over well at your party meaning you don’t have to bring any leftovers home.  If you want leftovers, I would recommend saving some for yourself before you take it to the party 😉

peppermint puppy chow text

Peppermint Puppy Chow


  • 6 cups rice chex
  • 6 candy canes, crushed
  • 12 oz white chocolate chips
  • 1/2 cup powdered sugar


Step one–crush your candy canes.

peppermint chex mix 2

Step two–pour 6 cups of chex into a large bowl.

peppermint chex mix 5


Step three–melt your white chocolate and pour it on top of the chex.  Mix thoroughly until every piece is covered in chocolate.  Pour the crushed candy canes in the mix and stir gently to combine.  Finally, add the powdered sugar to add a pretty coating to the treat.

peppermint chex mix 3


peppermint chex mix

Do you have any last minute recipes that are up your sleeve?  What are your favorite quick recipes for a party?

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  1. Holey Moley!!! GREAT recipe… however, w/ the hubs not being a huge treat person, I’m not sure it’d be best to make this. I’d be the only one eating it. Ha Ha

    • It is a great recipe! So yummy, but I can understand how you may not be the only one eating it. It’s great for a group!