Lower Body Resistance Band Workout

Lower Body Resistance Band Workout from Treble in the Kitchen

Before we get into this workout, I want to share details about our weekend. Β I hope your weekend was wonderful πŸ™‚ While the weekend was great (as most weekends are!) I honestly felt a bit tired like I was still recovering from our trip to Boston.

Saturday morning was kind of a fail. Β Initially, Brian and I wanted to hike a 14er but because it is late in the season we needed to rent gear for really cold weather. Β Unfortunately, you can’t rent a lot of the gear we needed so…we moved to Plan B! Β Climbing the Manitou Incline.

Manitou Incline

The InclineΒ used to be a train/cable car track, but now people climb it for a great workout! Β It’s kind of a “Colorado Bucket List” type thing.

We arrived early on Saturday morning only to find out the Incline was closed for repairs until December! Β We found a little trail to walk around for a bit, but we headed back to Denver shortly after because we felt guilty about not having the dogs with us.

Hiking in Colorado Springs

Once we got home, we cleaned up and went on a long walk with Bernie and Cooper for most of the afternoon.


Then, I needed to shoot a video because I was selected to be in the top 20 applicants for America’s Next Top Dietitian through All Access Internships!! (I’m super excited about that!)

America's Next Top Dietitian

You can vote for me here!

Shooting the video was fun, but there were definitely a few outtakes πŸ˜‰

America's Next Top Dietitian

America's Next Top Dietitian

We then spent the rest of the evening relaxing. Β Much needed!

Sunday I spent the day with a friend from my dietetics program going of the dietetic internship application process. Β There are so many moving parts, it was really nice to talk things through with someone who understands.

All in all it was a fantastic weekend and I am feeling rested and totally ready for the week πŸ™‚

Now for the workout:

Lower Body Resistance Band Workout

Equipment Used (not affiliate links):

There are 6 total exercises in this workout and you will complete the entire round of work 3-4 times. Β It’s important to focus on technique rather than blasting through and completing the exercises as quick as you can. Β I recommend taking a break in between rounds rather than in between each exercise, but it’s important to listen to your body and take breaks when you see fit.

*As with any fitness class/program/workout, please make sure to warm up and cool down/stretch and modify as needed and check with your doctor if necessary!

Lower Body Resistance Band Workout from Treble in the Kitchen

Out out in in: Β Stand with your feet on the tube and the tube crossed in front of your body with one hand in each loop. Β Step out with your right foot, then your left foot widening your stance. Β Then step back in with your right foot, then your left foot going back to starting position. Β This targets the hips and the glutes. Β Focus on standing up tall and bracing your core. Β Repeat 10 times.

Chop: Β Place the tube under your right foot withΒ your foot in the middle of the tube. Β Grab the tube from the inside of your foot with both hands and begin with your hands holding the tube by your right knee and a slight bend in your right knee. Β Keeping your arms and the tube straight, bring your arms across your body so the tube and your hands are over your left shoulder. Β Return to start. Β Repeat 16 times on each side.

Kneeling Kickback: Β Place your hands on the tube as pictured below, and place your right foot into the handle.

Lower Body Resistance Band Workout from Treble in the Kitchen

Extend your right leg back and gently lift the foot up so it is in line with your hips. Β Brace your core and keep your hips square to the ground as you lift and lower your leg. Β Complete 16 reps on each side.

Tap down: Β Start with your hands and feet in the same position as theΒ Kneeling Kickback. Β Gently tap your toe down slightly outside your hips, then lift your foot and tap your toe down on the other side of your leg that is kneeling. Β Repeat 16 times on each side.

Side leg lift: Β Switch to the smaller circular resistance band. Β Place it around your thighs just above your knees. Β Rest on either your elbow or lay all the way down. Β In either position make sure your shoulders, hips, and knees are stacked as you lift and lower your leg. Β Repeat 16 times on each side.

Diamond knees: Β Keep the resistance band in the same position as you had it for theΒ Tap Down. Β Bring your feet together and bend your knees at a 90 degree angle. Β Open and close your knees creating a diamond shape. Β Repeat 16 times on each side.

Rest and repeat 3-4 times.

Let me know if you give this workout a try! It sure is my favorite lower body resistance workout! I love hearing your feedback πŸ™‚

Lower Body Resistance Band Workout from Treble in the Kitchen

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  1. Great post I’m glad you found the article informative. It’s great to hear that you appreciate the effort put into sharing the information. If you’re interested in fitness, I highly recommend checking out the website “Maskura Fitness”. They offer a wide range of trendy and fitness-related products that you might find interesting. Happy exploring!

  2. I just did leg day today so trying this workout is going to have to wait a bit, but hooray for resistance bands!

    I was going to go hiking up in Vermont with my friend this weekend but the weather had other ideas. I guess that just means I’ll have to go back again someday! πŸ˜›

    Congrats on being one of the top 20 applicants for America’s Next Top Dietitian! That’s so awesome! Best of luck to you!