Bolder Boulder 10K 2016 Race Recap

On Memorial Day, Brian and I ran the Bolder Boulder for the second time! (You can check out our recap from last year here!)

Bolder Boulder 10K 2016

We had such an amazing experience running the Bolder Boulder 10k last year, that we knew we were going to run this race again.

Race Day Details

This year, our wave start time was at 7:17am.  Thankfully, I had written my recap post last year, so I could look back this year to see what time we departed for the race in the morning.  Again, we drove from Denver, but we left a few minutes later (5:30am) because we had a LOT of time to kill before running last year.

Bolder Boulder 10K 2016

We arrived and were able to park close to the starting line for free with ease in the Twenty Ninth Street Mall Parking Lot.

The weather was predicted to be sunny and around 57 degrees, so we both wore short sleeves and shorts.  The perfect choice for beating the Colorado sun!

Bolder Boulder 10K 2016

Again, like last year, we used the restrooms at Peet’s Coffee & Tea, which was so nice.  Real bathrooms at a race are hard to come by.

The Race

Last year, Brian and I were impressed by the casual, fun, and relaxed atmosphere of the race and the overall organization of EVERYTHING.  We never felt like there were too many people in one space, running on the course (although there were 50,000 people running), or like things were disorganized.  This year, the folks putting on the Bolder Boulder showed us just how much of a well oiled machine this race truly is.

Bolder Boulder 10K 2016

The course was relatively flat with a few hills that went DOWN hill immediately after.  It winded through gorgeous neighborhoods with tons of fun spectators offering things like doritos, marshmallows, beer, jello shots, and slip and slides.  It was such a fun atmosphere 🙂

Bolder Boulder 10K 2016

All of the spectators and entertainment (there were quite a few music groups and DJs) made the race go by so fast!  I didn’t run with music, like I typically do, and I thoroughly enjoyed all of the entertainment the course had to offer.

Post-Race Expo

Once we crossed the finish line, we winded through the stadium area to the water, beer, and snack bag pickup.  Just like last year, there were complimentary beers for sipping while enjoying the post race Expo.

Bolder Boulder 10K 2016

There were a ton of samples from SO many local vendors and a few non-local vendors too 😉 (evol burritos, Marley coffee, Way Better Snacks, White Wave Foods, Clif Bars, Nuttzo, Nuun, and many more).

Bolder Boulder 10K 2016

There were also booths with race gear like sunglasses, racing shoes, running clothes.  So many things to look at!  There were enormous amounts of people there, but everyone was friendly and happy to be there which made for a really enjoyable experience.

Once we were done walking through the expo, Brian and I headed back to the car and then back to Denver.  Just like last year, we had no issues getting out of the Boulder area and were back in town by 10am.  Such a great way to start the day, and we had plenty of time left in the day to hang out with Bernie, go for a walk and get ready for the week!

Bolder Boulder 10K 2016

I am so happy that we had another great experience running the Bolder Boulder!

Question of the Day:

  • How did you celebrate Memorial Day?
  • Have you ever run the Bolder Boulder? (TONS of people travel to do this race!)



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  1. Sounds like a gorgeous run and fun event! Most of my mom’s side lives in Denver — love it there! Boulder is great! I’m looking forward hosting a booth at my local YMCA’s Run Walk & Health Fair event in the lovely Griffith Park this Saturday. (Have you been to LA?) I won’t be running, but I’ll be passing out some tasty healthy samples.

    • Hosting a booth sounds super fun! I have only been to LA for less than 24 hours, but I would love to visit!

  2. I’m originally from Denver (now out East but hopefully will get my east-coast finace to agree to move back west 😉 ) and used to love running the Boulder Boulder – serious home-sickness from looking at your pictures! Glad you guys had a great time and looks like the weather cooperated as well!

    • That’s amazingz, Kelli!! You guys must get back here 🙂 And yes, the weather was fantastic!