Colfax Half Marathon Training Update: Week 2

Colfax Half Marathon Week 2 via Treble in the Kitchen

It’s time for another half marathon training update!

Last week, I completed my second week of training for the Colfax Half Marathon in May. ย Overall, I’d say my training went really well! ย I did just about everything according to plan, but cut out one run and replaced it with a tabata/high intensity interval training group fitness class. ย My muscles were feeling a bit sore and I knew that I needed to switch up my mode of exercise in order to keep my body happy.


  • Monday | Teach Bodypump
  • Tuesday | Boot camp group fitness class (this class has a bit of cardio and strength training)
  • Wednesday | Tabata sprints on the treadmill

During this treadmill run, I completed about 24 minutes of actual running in a pattern of:

  • 4 minutes at 6.5 speed
  • 4 minutes of tabata intervals (20 seconds of running, 10 seconds of rest repeated for 4 minutes) at 10.5 speed

Colfax half Marathon Training

Running on the treadmill is always SO challenging for me, but when I’m attempting to increase my speed this is one tool that I know works (for me). ย I am able to run at a quicker pace for shorter bursts, which helps me increase my overall speed.

After this run, I was a bit sore so I made sure to stretch and foam roll a lot!

  • Thursday | 6 miles

Colfax half Marathon Training

I ran this run with Bernie! ย It was the farthest we have ever run together and he did amazing (as to be expected from a hyperactive pup). ย The only negative was the fact that we literally had a blizzard the day before and the weather was then 45 degrees. ย That meant a LOT of slush. ย I kind of felt like I was running through an obstacle course, which was fun but my pace definitely suffered. ย That’s ok though! I know what I want to work on for next week.

  • Friday | Tabata (30 minutes)

This was supposed to be another 3 mile run, but after two days of running in a row I could feel that my body needed a break from literally pounding the pavement. ย I opted for this class because it is cardio based and very high intensity.

  • Saturday | lots of walking Bernie
  • Sunday | lots of walking Bernie

So far so good on the training front! ย I hope all of your workouts or whatever you do to move your body are going great as well ๐Ÿ™‚

Question of the Day:

  • Are you the type of person that can run everyday or do you need to take breaks like me?
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  1. That is so awesome you are doing the Colfax half! I just moved down here not to long ago and am starting to run more since it is kinda getting to be spring (snow go away)! I was just wondering where you do most of your running? I am in the capital hill area so I go to Cheesman park a lot, but do you have any other recommendations? Thanks girl!

    • Hey!! I live RIGHT by Cheesman Park ๐Ÿ™‚ Literally a block away. Maybe we could get together. From where I live, it’s about 2 miles to Wash Park so for longer runs it’s nice to run up Downing then do a loop (or a couple or partial depending on the distance) then head home. It’s also about 2 miles from the Cherry Creek Trail, which literally goes forever. For my full marathon training in the fall, I did out and backs on the cherry creek trail and loved that I never hit any dead ends. We should get together sometime!

  2. Woah that’s impressive! especially with that snow.
    I tried running for a year and just don’t love it. I checked two half’s off my bucket list and think I might just stick to walking ๐Ÿ™‚ (hope that doesn’t make me sound like a whimp haha)

  3. Well done girl!! Training is going great! …and to answer your question, I’m not a runner… so I guess I live my life on a break… oh my gosh, I feel bad! Haha, I love walking though!! Hope that you’re having a great Wednesday!
    xoxo Cailee!

  4. Love reading your posts & good for you with your training! I don’t know if I could ever run more than a 5k, props to you! We also got a puppy last summer and are doing lots of walking training with her! ๐Ÿ™‚

    • Thanks, Stephanie!! ๐Ÿ™‚ I never thought I could run more than a 5K and then somehow I think I lost my mind and decided to give it a go!! And walking with pups!? Simply the best!