Five Things Friday 3.11.16

Today officially marks the first day of my “spring break.” Β One of the perks of going to school until you are almost 30 πŸ˜‰

This year, Brian and I actually have the same spring break which is really awesome! We have friends that arrived in town last night and we thoroughly plan on giving them the entire “this is the happy city of Denver and welcome to the mountains” experience. Β Next week, I don’t have classes but I do have to work in the afternoons so our agenda will be complete with a possible day trip to the mountains, long walks with Bernie, morning coffee dates, and just enjoying the day.

Even though spring break really didn’t start until today, this past week has been pretty breezy. Β Brian and I finished our taxes on Sunday (love checking that big to-do off the list!), I turned in several assignments, wrote up a couple of blog posts for next week, and cleaned the house. Β Overall, it’s been productive and I love it!

In true Friday fashion, here are some highlights from the week.

Five Things Friday from Treble in the Kitchen

Five Things I Ate:

  • A new to me grain…millet!

Have you guys tried it? Β Β It’s a nutty-flavored ancient grain that is naturally gluten free. Β There are couple of different ways to cook it and I’m experimenting with it to see how I prefer to eat this grain. Β So far, I’ve made it kind of like a rice side dish and I’ve mixed leftovers into my oatmeal. Β The verdict? Β I really like it and can’t wait to experiment more!



  • Smoothie bowl with all the toppings πŸ™‚

smoothie bowl

Winter Citrus Salad

Sweet Potato Spinach Curry

Five Workouts I Did:

  • Taught Bodypump
  • Boot Camp
  • Indoor Cycling
  • Walking the Pup
  • Hiking this weekend (can’t wait!)

Five Things Making Me Happy:

  • Friends visiting this weekend. Β Can’t wait to show them around!
  • Brian and I attempting to make our first sourdough bread starter so that we can make sourdough bread next week (sourdough is low FODMAP!). Β I plan on taking notes on our process and letting you all know how our loaf turns out πŸ™‚

sourdough starter day 1

  • The weather. Β I think I probably mentioned this last week, but the weather has been so nice. Β I feel like I’m going to jinx it by continuing to say how much I love it, but I’m willing to take the risk. Β It’s going to be in the 70s and sunny this weekend!!
  • Cleaning the apartment mid-week. Β HA! Kind of a silly thing to have on my top 5 list this week, but I really love having a clean apartment and not having to waste weekend time getting it there? Β Double win!
  • Seeing my name in Food & Nutrition Magazine!! πŸ™‚

Food and Nutrition Magazine

Posts I Have Loved:

Enjoy your weekend and I’ll chat with ya next week!

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  1. I’m also on Spring Break starting this week-woohoo! Your eats always look so yummy! I hope you’re having a great weekend πŸ™‚

  2. Happy Spring Break! I too loved seeing your name, right next to MINE! πŸ™‚ How fun! Can’t wait to hear about the sourdough.