Five Things Friday 1.29.2016

It’s Friday, and I am so excited because starting this morning, there are fun things on the agenda for the weekend!

Luckily, I have completed all of my school work so today I will be catching up on all those other things I do and getting ready for a ski weekend in Breckenridge with friends.

To kick off all the fun things going on, this morning I’ll be attending my first Soul Cycle class.

They are doing a tour of pop-up classes and Denver is lucky enough to have some of these classes pop up here. Β I plan on blogging about my experience, so check back next week sometime for a recap.

Later this afternoon, we will pile into the car to head up to Breckenridge for the weekend so we can ski, soak in the hot tub, and enjoy the company of our friends. Β I seriously cannot wait!

Now, let’s start this Friday off on the right foot with the usual Five Things Friday πŸ™‚

Five Things Friday from Treble in the Kitchen

Five Things I Ate:

  • Oats in a jar! I had an empty almond butter jar with just aΒ littleΒ bit left on the sides, so I thought it would make the perfect vehicle for a bowl of oats…and I was right πŸ™‚ Β These oats had banana, blueberry, and cinnamon in them.

Oats in a Jar

  • Smoothie bowl. Β I have really been loving my green smoothie bowls this week. Β This one is topped with a touch of homemade granola, frozen blueberries and peanut powder. Β I’ve been LOVING the addition of peanut flour to my smoothie bowl toppings because I can make it as thin and drippy as possible.

Smoothie Bowl

  • This lunch bowl. Β Full of spinach, leftover roasted vegetables (from meal prep), cucumbers, sauerkraut, shredded carrots, and salmon cakes.

Lunch Bowl

  • Last night’s dinner. Β Brown rice on the bottom, roasted veggies, and shrimp tossed in homemade pesto. SO good!

Pesto Rice and Veggie Bowl

  • And another smoothie bowl. Β This one topped with freeze-dried blueberries, frozen raspberries, and more powdered peanut butter πŸ™‚

Smoothie Bowl

Five Workouts I Did:

  • Taught Bodypump
  • Hot Yoga
  • Barre
  • Pod Flow Yoga
  • Cycling (this morning!)

This month, Brian and I joined Yoga Pod so that we could complete their 21 in 31 challenge where the goal is to complete 21 days of yoga in the 31 days of January, and I completed it yesterday morning!

Yoga Pod

I’ll be honest, there were a few days when I didn’t want to go to class or when I felt really tired and had to take the lower modifications, but I quickly realized that it was OK to take the lower options. Β I have never done this much consecutive yoga before, so it was a unique challenge to the more intense classes and running that I normally incorporate into my routine. Β While I still can’t touch my toes, my muscles feel really loved and I feel like I have a more peaceful mindset (most of the time!). Β I am really happy that I completed the challenge.

Five Things Making Me Happy:

  • Spending the weekend in the mountains!! Β While Brian and I have gone skiing plenty of times, we haven’t ever stayed in the mountains to go skiing, so this is a new experience for us. Β I’m looking forward to the fun and can’t wait to get there tonight πŸ™‚
  • Soul Cycle! Β This is a class I have been wanting to try literally forever, so I can’t wait until my class this morning.
  • Getting done with school work before Friday. Β Seriously, it’s like the best feeling ever!
  • My new fitness gear from Gordmans. Β I LOVE the pants and tank πŸ™‚ Β (I really love it all!!)

Gordmans Activewear from Treble in the Kitchen

  • The weather! Β The past couple of days it has been like 60 degrees and sunny here in Denver. Β How great is that!? Β I’m hoping the nice weather stays through until spring! (although I doubt that will happen.)

Posts I Have Loved This Week:

Instagram Giveaway Winner:

Congratulations to Bianca T., the winner of the Love Grown Instagram Giveaway! Β She was emailed first thing this morning. Β Thanks so much to everyone who entered the giveaway πŸ™‚

Love Grown Foods

Your Turn to Share:

  • Tell me about one thing you loved about this week!
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