Easy Breakfast Casserole

Good morning!

How is this week treating you?  It’s been pretty good here.  Nothing too crazy, just studying, hanging out with little Bernie and doing the fitness thing 🙂  Speaking of fitness…

Denver fitness peeps!  Not sure if you have heard of this, but Saturday at the Anschutz Health and Wellness Center, there is a fitness workshop all about music and fitness called Rhythm Revolution.

Rhythm Revolution

One of my Denver fitness friends (hey Erin!) told me about Jasmine and her Rhythm Revolution business a few months ago.  After attending just one of her classes, I was hooked!  The music was cool, set perfectly to the workout and I was hungry to learn more.  As someone who can’t help but get lost in the beat and sing along whenever possible, I’m excited to learn more about pairing fitness and music together because I’ll be honest, creating awesome playlists doesn’t come naturally to me.

Here is a cool article about The Psychology of Effective Workout Music 🙂

Now, about that breakfast casserole…

Easy Breakfast Casserole 2 Treble in the Kitchen gluten free, low fodmap, clean eating

This past Thanksgiving, Brian and I hosted his family at our apartment.  It was SO fun, mostly in part because I felt very prepared.  I had several meals (including Thanksgiving dinner) that I prepped ahead of time so that I could just hang out with the fam, this tasty breakfast casserole being one of those meals!

Easy Breakfast Casserole | Treble in the Kitchen gluten free, low fodmap, clean eating

This casserole is very easy (hence the title), filling, full of nutritious ingredients, and tastes wonderful!

I remade the recipe this week for easy breakfasts (it’s super easy to reheat in a pan or in the microwave…or just eat it cold!), and I just HAD to share it with you!

Easy Breakfast Casserole | Treble in the Kitchen gluten free, low fodmap, clean eating

Here is the recipe if you would like to give it a try.

Easy Breakfast Casserole

Yields:  about 8 servings


  • 12 eggs
  • 5 oz spinach (half of a 10oz container of spinach)
  • 1 1/2 cups lite canned coconut milk (can use almond milk, cow’s milk, soy milk, etc)
  • 2 cups chopped, sauteed zucchini or summer squash
  • 1 tsp Salt (or to taste)
  • 1/4 tsp Pepper (or to taste)
  • Dash (about 1/4 tsp) of nutmeg
  1. Preheat the oven to 400 degrees and grease a 9×13 inch baking pan with coconut oil or your favorite nonstick spray.
  2. In a large bowl, break all 12 eggs.  Whisk together until the yolks and eggs run together.
  3. Add the spinach, coconut milk, zucchini, salt, pepper, and nutmeg. Mix thoroughly.
  4. Pour the egg mixture into the greased 9×13 inch baking pan.
  5. Carefully place the egg mixture in the oven and bake for 30 minutes.
  6. Serve warm with your favorite fruit, potatoes, or other breakfast side!


Easy Breakfast Casserole Treble in the Kitchen gluten free, low fodmap, clean eating

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