Valentine’s Day Dinner Party

This year, Brian and I opted for a GROUP Valentine’s Day celebration and it was an absolute blast!

Brian’s mom flew into town and arrived on Friday night.  With school, cleaning up our apartment, and just general life things happening I was a little short on time when it came to grocery shopping for this event.  So, Thursday I made my grocery list for the party, placed  my order with Walmart Grocery To Go and by 9:30am on Friday morning all of my supplies had arrived!

Valentine's Party To Go via Treble in the Kitchen #partytogo

The menu for our little Valentine’s dinner party included:

The only thing that didn’t arrive in my Walmart Grocery To Go order was milk.  Luckily, Liz and Aidan had a little extra they didn’t mind sharing with us 🙂

After running around Denver with Brian, his mom and Bernie we came home and I got busy in the kitchen!  I had cupcakes to decorate and lots of food to prep.

Valentine's Party To Go via Treble in the Kitchen #partytogo

Kate (Brian’s mom) helped out by decorating our Valentine table.  Don’t you just love that table runner?

Valentine's Party To Go via Treble in the Kitchen #partytogo

To garnish the cupcakes, I cut strawberries into little hearts using this instructional post.  So cute!

Valentine's Party To Go via Treble in the Kitchen #partytogo

Mine didn’t look quite as adorable as the strawberries on Crafty Baking, but they were still pretty cute.


Cupcakes all garnished and ready to be eaten 🙂

Valentine's Party To Go via Treble in the Kitchen #partytogo

Homemade peanut butter cups in progress!

Valentine's Party To Go via Treble in the Kitchen #partytogo

Everything turned out great, but there was one small spaghetti squash incident in the kitchen…

Valentine's Party To Go via Treble in the Kitchen #partytogo

I baked the spaghetti squash whole in the oven using this method BUT I forgot one crucial step…to put little holes in the squash before baking.  Because I forgot to do this one little step, when I inserted my knife to cut the squash in half it literally exploded!! Luckily, it just made a little mess that wasn’t too difficult to clean up at all AND it was pretty darn funny 🙂

Before I knew it (and all of our guests arrived) everything was ready to go!

Valentine's Party To Go via Treble in the Kitchen #partytogo

Kale salad with walnuts and homemade dijon dressing.

Valentine's Party To Go via Treble in the Kitchen #partytogo

Spaghetti squash, chicken meatballs, and zucchini noodles (zoodles).

Valentine's Party To Go via Treble in the Kitchen #partytogo

Marisa brought over her GEFU Spirelli Spiral Slicer for the zoodles and I have officially decided that this is the next kitchen appliance that I NEED.  I would honestly love the real deal spiralizer, but our small kitchen cannot fit another appliance.

Valentine's Party To Go via Treble in the Kitchen #partytogo

Valentine's Party To Go via Treble in the Kitchen #partytogo

Homemade Marinara Sauce

Valentine's Party To Go via Treble in the Kitchen #partytogo


Valentine's Party To Go via Treble in the Kitchen #partytogo

Marisa brought over delicious appetizers (that were mostly low FODMAP!! How sweet!)

Valentine's Party To Go via Treble in the Kitchen #partytogo

Valentine's Party To Go via Treble in the Kitchen #partytogo

The whole group!  Liz, Aidan, Oliver, Marisa, Noah, Brian, ME, and Brian’s mom took the picture 🙂

Valentine's Party To Go via Treble in the Kitchen #partytogo

We also enjoyed several Valentine themed cocktails, which made for a VERY fun night.

Valentine's Party To Go via Treble in the Kitchen #partytogo

Another fun addition to the party was the Selfie Stick Brian’s mom got us for Valentine’s Day.

Valentine's Party To Go via Treble in the Kitchen #partytogo

Group photo with the Selfie Stick 🙂

Valentine's Party To Go via Treble in the Kitchen #partytogo

It was an amazing to spend Valentine’s Day with so many people we love.   I am so grateful that Brian and I have found such wonderful friends while living in Denver.

Walmart did not compensate me for this project, but they did provide the groceries for the party free of charge.  Thank you for working with me on this project, Walmart Grocery To Go!  And as usual, all opinions and thoughts are my own!

To read more about my previous experience with Walmart Grocery To Go check out these posts:

Let’s Hear It:

  • What did you do for Valentine’s Day this year?  

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  1. This was yummy! I’ve never made spaghetti squash before and I’m not sure if it’s supposed to me soft or not when it’s done. My squash was on the larger side so maybe I should have cooked it longer.

    • It’s a little soft when it’s done, and then you scrape the inside to look like spaghetti strands 🙂