No Bake Fudgy Snack Bites

In honor of Valentine’s Day and the fact that I literally want to indulge in all.the.chocolate. I thought I’d better share a yummy chocolatey snack that I have been enjoying the past couple of weeks…No Bake Fudgy Snack Bites.

No Bake Fudgy Snack Bites via Treble in the Kitchen

I absolutely love having little bites around in the fridge or freezer for snacks or sweet treats, and a couple of weeks ago I got a little carried away while experimenting with snack bite recipes.

snack bites

Typically, when I make bites I use almond butter or cashew butter but unfortunately those nuts are high FODMAP which means they may irritate my tummy.  I needed to find an alternative to almonds and cashews, so I thought I would blend up some walnuts (which are low FODMAP approved!).

walnut butter

The walnut butter was absolutely delicious, super easy to make, and tasted AMAZING when mixed into these little chocolatey bites.  Win, win, win!

I used raw cacao powder to give the bites their chocolatey flavor.  Raw cacao powder is made by cold pressing unroasted cocoa beans. Unsweetened cocoa powder is made by roasting the raw cacao at high temperatures which unfortunately removes a lot of the nutritional value from the cacao.

cacao powder

Luckily, it’s pretty easy to find cacao powder at sites like or at stores like Marshalls (<–crazy, but they actually have a pretty wide selection of health foods!)

Ok, now for this tasty recipe!

No Bake Fudgy Snack Bites

A simple, fudgy treat healthy enough to be a snack!

Yields:  4 bites


  • 2 Tbsp walnut butter
  • 2 Tbsp maple syrup
  • 2 Tbsp cacao powder
  • 2 Tbsp coconut flakes, unsweetened
  • 1 Tbsp coconut flour
  • pinch of salt


  1. Combine all ingredients in a food processor fitted with the sharp S blade.
  2. Blend until a dough-like consistency forms.
  3. Divide the “dough” into four equal parts and roll into four equal sized balls.
  4. Store in the fridge or the freezer for a snack or a treat and enjoy!

No Bake Fudgy Snack Bites via Treble in the Kitchen

No Bake Fudgy Snack Bites via Treble in the Kitchen

Happy Valentine’s week and chocolatey treat eating 🙂

Question of the Day:

  • What is one of your favorite Valentine treats?!

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