Five Things Friday 1.9.2015

Hi and happy Friday!

I hope you all had a wonderful first full week of 2015 πŸ™‚

This week was full of a lot of “catching up” and getting my life in order before hitting the books again for the semester. Β I begin my final round of prerequisites next week!! Yippee!

As far as this weekend goes, Brian and I have visitors staying with us and I am going to take my first ski lesson on Saturday. Β I’m super excited, but also nervous :/ Wish me luck!

Now, it’s time for some Five Things Friday (it’s been forever since I did one of these!)

five things friday

Five Things I Ate:

  • Monday I made this delicious taco seasoning (low FODMAP) and cooked some organic chicken breasts in the crockpot with homemade vegetable stock (made my first batch over the weekend!). Β I then shredded the chicken and made a yummy salad for me and nachos for Brian.

low fodmap taco seasoning

taco salad

  • I attempted to make some chicken meatballs…they weren’t bad. Β We definitely ate them, but I am also definitely not ready to share the recipe πŸ™‚

chicken meatballs

  • Roasted vegetable soup and salad

soup and salad

  • Coconut Flour Pancakes (can’t wait to share this recipe with ya!)

low fodmap pancakes

  • Baked chicken and roasted zucchini and butternut squash. Β I marinated the chicken in fresh lemon and orange juice with a little rosemary before baking it in the oven. Β It was sooo tasty!

baked chicken and veggies

Five Workouts:

This week, workouts have been fun and different thanks to ClassPass! Β I’ll be sharing more about that next week πŸ™‚

  • Taught Bodypump on Monday
  • Went to a class called Tighten Up at Bonza Body Fitness
  • Yoga
  • My first Pure Barre class (loved it!)
  • Tabata and Total Strength

Five Things Making Me Happy:

The winters in Colorado are super dry (and I thought it was dry in Indiana!!), and my hands get dry to the point where they are painful. Β This ultrabalm is awesome for super dry hands and chapped lips. Β Seriously, I try to keep this little tin with me everywhere I go because it is a life saver!


  • The Bachelor! Β It started on Monday and I am so happy to have my guilty pleasure back πŸ™‚

the bachelor

  • Haircuts! What I should really say is hair trim or “dusting” as my sister calls it. Β I got my hair trimmed for the first time in 5 months on Tuesday! Β It feels so much healthier now, and the stylist did that fun little round-brush blowout thing that I love but cannot replicate myself even if my life depended on it.

tara haircut

tara haircut

  • This little bar of Chef’s Soap was in my Christmas stocking and I absolutely love it! Β It really gets rid of any “food smells” (like fish, onion, etc) that may linger on your hands after cooking.

chef's soap

  • Experimenting in the kitchen. Β It feels so good to be back in my own kitchen cooking foods that make me feel good AND that taste good. Β The new year has inspired me to cook with new herbs, seasonings, and I am totally latching onto that creative drive.

Posts I Have Loved:

Other Fun Things To Share:

  • On January 20, Buck BooksΒ is having a sale withΒ a TON of health, nutrition, weight loss books for the kindle that are going on sale for $0.99!! Some of the books on the list are:

1. The Paleo Diet Revised
2. Perfect Health Diet
3. The World’s Greatest Weight Loss Secret
4. Have Your Cake and Lose Weight Too! ($1.99 due to file size)
5. The Calorie Myth
6. Treadmill Desk Revolution
7. The Lean Life

You can sign up for the Daily Deals now, since the books aren’t on sale yet but I’ll make sure to send out a reminder closer to the actual date of the sale πŸ™‚

  • It’s Blog School season again!

Blog School


You can read more about my experience with Rita’s Blog School program here. (Basically, I loved it!) Β If you are interested or have questions about the program, please let me know by shooting me an e-mail ( trebleinthekitchen at gmail dot com)!

Alright, friends! That’s all I have for today πŸ™‚ Β I hope you have a fantastic weekend!

Your Turn!

  • Share something fun with me πŸ™‚
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  1. I am rehooked on the Bachelor as well! Chris has been my favorite Bachelor so far and I’m excited. I am looking into that Ultrabalm–my hands have not been up to bar this Winter with keeping moisturized like they normally do. They’re starting to hurt as well! Maybe I can find some in my area to buy?

    • The Ultrabalm is seriously amazing πŸ™‚ I bet you could find it online. I can’t wait to watch the bachelor again tomorrow!!

    • You are so welcome, Jen!! I loved it too much NOT to share! I think I’m going to have to have a Tuesday Bachelor chat on TITK. Everyone is so into it! I love it!