Your Top Posts of 2014

As we near the end of 2014, I thought I would reflect back on YOUR favorite posts (based on stats) from throughout the year.

Top 5 Posts 2014

1.  How I Prepped for My Whole 30 Challenge and Mayo Free Avocado Tuna Salad Recipe

mayo free avocado tuna salad

2.  20 Min Bodyweight Tabata Workout

20 min bodyweight tabata workout via treble in the kitchen

3.  Whole 30 Food Reintroduction

Whole 30 Reintroduction

4.  Vegetable Shrimp Curry Crock Pot Meal

Vegetable Shrimp Curry Crock Pot Meal via Treble in the Kitchen Blog

5.  Green Goddess Salad with Avocado Dill Dressing

Green Goddess Salad via Treble in the Kitchen

Looking back, it looks like you guys were really interested in my Whole 30 experience.  I am so thankful that many of you participated in the survey that I put up on the blog about a month ago.   I am excited to use those results as I plan for 2015 so that I can truly give you all what YOU want 🙂

Your Turn!

  • What is a favorite memory you have from 2014?  

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  1. I will definitely be going back and checking out that prepping for the Whole 30 post because a friend of mine and myself are about to cut a lot of added sugars, processed foods out of our diets. Very similar to paleo or the Whole 30, but not quite as strict. For instance, we are still eating grains as long as they are 100’% whole grain. Thanks for the post roundup!