30 Min Tabata Interval Spin Workout

Hey Guys!

I’m so glad you are liking my Sweet Potato Chipotle Soup from Monday 🙂  It’s seriously simple (hence the title) and I’d love to hear if you give it a try!

Now about that workout…

So I’ve mentioned this before and I’ll mention it again, when it comes to working out I LOVE switching things up.  Not only do I love switching things up, but it’s actually better for your body that way.  Kind of the same way that it’s good for your body to eat lots of different foods.  Same idea!  It will help your muscles recover so that you can get stronger and continue to move for longer!

Last week, I subbed an indoor cycling class for a friend and absolutely LOVED it.  I had forgotten how much I really love the spin bike, and actually made a point of taking her class this week!

cycle shoes

Because I loved teaching the cycle class so much, I thought I should probably share the workout with you.

It’s only 30 minutes, but definitely gets the heart rate up and give you a good workout in that short amount of time.  I used the tabata timing for sprint intervals and set this workout to 7 songs (including warm up and cool down).  I think you could totally do the same if you just plug in your headphones and follow the cues I have laid out for you:

Tabata Spin Workout via Treble in the Kitchen

Here are a couple of notes:

  • Make sure to rest and drink water as needed throughout the workout.  Typically, between songs is a GREAT time for this.
  • I use a resistance level scale of 1-10 with 5 being a “flat road.”  That means your wheel is not spinning out of control, and you can feel a slight resistance as you pedal, but overall you are very comfortable here.  This is what I call “home base.”
  • As always, please check with your doctor before making any major changes to your workout routine 🙂  Modify as needed.

Let me know if you try it out!! It’s a great one to pin for one of those days when you aren’t quite sure what to do in the gym 😉

Have a great day!

Question of the Day:

  • What is your favorite way to workout?  Do you switch it up often or stick with the same thing week by week?
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    • Hi Ashley! I created this workout 6 years ago, so I will be honest in saying I don’t remember the exact songs but I really just love working out to music that pumps me up, so I know you could put this to whatever songs YOU love 🙂 Let me know if you give it a try!

    • Hi Karen! I originally shared that workout 6 years ago, so I will be honest in saying I don’t have that playlist anymore…BUT you could get a great workout doing this to any music that motivates you!

  1. We always had pizza! And a ton of candy! lol It was the one night my mom let us go crazy with junk food! 🙂