Citrusy Garlicky Baked Shrimp Recipe

Last night, Brian and I polished off some the leftovers of the shrimp I made for dinner on Sunday.  citrus shrimp

While we LOVED the shrimp on Sunday, we LOVED it even more last night!  I guess those extra couple of days that the shrimp was sitting in the fridge with some orange slices really did it some good 🙂

Sunday, I just decided to get a little creative in the kitchen.  I kind of had an idea in mind, but really I just wanted to go with my instincts to see what would happen and we were so pleased with the end result.

I purchased some big, juicy oranges and lemons this week in honor of spring and thought to pair them with a favorite lean protein of ours…shrimp!  Seriously friends, you gotta try this recipe.  I promise, you won’t regret it…AND it’s SO easy!

Citrusy Garlicky Baked Shrimp via Treble in the Kitchen.jpg

Citrusy Garlicky Baked Shrimp

Yields about 4 servings


  • 1 orange
  • 1 lemon
  • 1lb medium shrimp, thawed (peeled, deveined)
  • 1 clove garlic, chopped
  • 1 green onion, chopped
  • salt to taste


  1. Preheat the oven to 425 degrees.
  2. Cute the orange in half.  Squeeze half of the orange in the bottom of a baking dish.  Save the other half of the orange for later in the recipe.
  3. Cut the lemon in half.  Squeeze half of the lemon in the bottom of the same baking dish.
  4. Spread the shrimp over the orange and lemon juice.
  5. Top the shrimp with the chopped garlic and onions and the juice of the other half of the lemon.
  6. Slice the reserved half of orange into thin slices and place on top of the shrimp, scallions and garlic.
  7. Bake 12-15 minutes until the shrimp is pink and cooked all the way through.
  8. Enjoy!

citrus shrimp

This is great paired with roasted veggies and a salad and Brian loved eating his with brown rice.  Honestly, the dish is so light and refreshing that it could really be paired with whatever your heart desires!

My plate:  side salad, roasted veggies, shrimp.

citrus shrimp dinner 2Brian’s plate:  side salad (with blue cheese), brown rice, roasted veggies, shrimp.

citrus shrimp dinner 1

Let me know if you give this yummy springy recipe a try!

Question of the Morning:

  • Do you ever experiment in the kitchen?
  • What is the most recent kitchen experiment you have done?  Was it successful?

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