Sweet and Savory Dinner Salad Recipe and My First Workout Video!!

Do you ever just conjure up a meal in your head while at the grocery store and have to make it pronto?

salmon salad 7

Well, that is what happened to me on Saturday.  While grocery shopping with Brian, I saw a container of blue cheese and instantly thought of putting it over a salad mixed with a ton of other yummy ingredients for dinner.

Brian absolutely loves blue cheese (and so do I) so he honestly had NO problem with that idea at all 🙂

I got to chopping and cooking in the kitchen and just a few short minutes after dinner was served, I looked over to find Brian like this…

brian finished salmon salad

Think he liked it?

He literally said “This is the BEST salad you have ever made…I want more.”

HA! Now, that made me feel pretty darn good 🙂  Luckily, this salad was SUPER simple.  I definitely won’t mind making it over and over again.

sweet and savory dinner salad via treble in the kitchen blog.jpg

Sweet and Savory Dinner Salad Recipe

Yields:  2 large dinner salads


  • 2 large handfuls of chopped romaine
  • 1 large handful of spinach
  • 6 oz of salmon, baked (2 servings)
  • 1 avocado, cubed
  • 1 green onion, chopped
  • 1/4 cup candied walnuts (or other nut…I actually created a version with honey rather than sugar that I will have to share!!)
  • 1/4 cup blue cheese
  • 1/2 roasted sweet potato
  • Dressing of choice


  1. Combine the greens, avocado, green onion, nuts, and blue cheese in a large bowl.  Gently toss to combine and separate into two large salad bowls.
  2. Preheat the oven to 400 degrees.
  3. Slice the sweet potato into “chips” and arrange on a greased baking sheet (or over parchment paper).  Season with a dash of salt and pepper.
  4. Place the sweet potato chips and the salmon in the 400 degree oven.  The sweet potatoes will be done in 30 minutes (make sure to flip them at the 15 minute mark).  The salmon will be done in about 20-25 minutes.
  5. To bake the salmon, I simply placed my salmon on a piece of parchment paper and seasoned with a touch of salt and pepper.
  6. Remove the salmon and sweet potatoes when cooked through.
  7. Divide the salmon into two portions and top each salad bowl with the salmon.
  8. Divide the sweet potatoes into two portions, save one portion for use later in the week (possibly on future salads) and divide the other portion into two smaller portions.  Top each salad with the sweet potato.
  9. Top with the dressing of your choice.  *Brian and I topped ours with a light dressing of olive oil, vinegar, and Italian seasoning.

salmon salad 1

Seriously, this salad was AMAZING and I can’t wait to eat it again 🙂

My First Workout Video

In other news…

Yesterday during lunch I was able to watch the finished product of a special project that I worked on back in January.  My first official workout video!

WellPoint partnered with the Partnership for a Healthier America and Michelle Obama’s Let’s Move campaign to sponsor the Building a Healthier Future Summit, which was last week in Washington DC.  To showcase the importance of physical activity, WellPoint sponsored a 5 minute “exercise break” with the goal of getting the crowd up and moving during the event.

I was lucky enough to be part of this video and I am so happy I was able to support in their efforts to fight against Childhood Obesity!

Check out the Exercise Break video below 🙂

I hope you enjoy the video and the salad!

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  1. I’m unable to watch the video @ the moment, but wow! The salad sounds fantastic. Can’t ever go wrong w/ salmon & sweet potato included in the same recipe!