Five Things Friday 2.14.2014

Happy Valentine’s Day!

I’m so happy it’s the weekend, because Brian and I have a couple of fun dates planned, and after some very long days/nights at work this week I am looking forward to actually spending a little time NOT at work 🙂  Even though I do love it there.

Whether you are doing something solo, with friends, or something romantic I hope you enjoy something fun!! 🙂

Time for another round of FiveThings Friday hosted by Clare of Fitting It All In.  Hope you all had a great week too!

five things friday

Five Things I Ate This Week:

Ok, so I have to be completely honest.  Almost everything I ate this week was out of tupperware, which means that it did NOT look very presentable.  I was able to snap some pictures, but I spared you the “gross” looking meals 🙂

  • Lots of hardboiled eggs.  They are easy to tote around and it’s easy to make a lot of them ahead of time.

hardboiled egg

  • My typical breakfast this week:  frittata, baked sweet potato, and melted frozen fruit with hardened coconut butter on the top (try it…it’s so good!)


oatless oats

  • Ratatouille with baked cod and broccoli. I made the ratatouille on Sunday in the crockpot, roasted the veggies, and baked the cod on Sunday so when I got home around 8pm on Tuesday night this was a quick meal to throw together.

ratatouille dinner

  • Ratatouille (again!) with cod mixed in, nuts, and carrots (I ate way more nuts and carrots than pictured here!)

dinner at work

Five Workouts:

  • Running (I even got a little reading in while running on the treadmill.  Gotta love multitasking.)

running on treadmill

  • Bodypump
  • Turbokick (new class for me!)
  • Yoga (felt so good to be back this week!)


Five Things Making Me Happy:

  • The fact that it is Valentine’s Day and Brian and I are going out for DESSERT tonight!  This will be the first dessert I have had in 45 days…I can’t wait 🙂  We will get a little dressed up because we have a reservation at Harry and Izzy’s in downtown Indianapolis.

Harry and Izzy's

  • My medal and bib display.  I found this DIY tutorial from the Pavement Runner a few months back and I just recently got around to putting it together…it’s not perfect, but I absolutely love it!

running medals

  • The gorgeous view of the city that I get to see on Wednesday nights while running.  Makes the whole chilly run worth it!

Indianapolis skyline

  • Maranatha Coconut Butter…omg this stuff is so good!  It is super hard at room temperature, so what I do is stick it in the microwave for about 1 minute.  This will make the coconut butter like liquid.  Then, I drizzle it over some frozen fruit to pack for breakfast the next day and when I eat my fruit the next morning, it is like a hard shell of deliciousness over my fruit.  So good!

coconut butter

  • Twilight Run Vest from Athleta.  OK, so I don’t OWN this vest, but a lady in the Mini Marathon Training Program with me has this and she says it is the BEST piece of running gear she owns.  It’s a great alternative to a jacket when weather is “in-between” and you aren’t sure of how many layers to wear…needless to say it is on my “want” list.  A bit pricey, but I know I would get great use out of it 🙂

running vest

Five Posts I Have Loved:

Your Turn to Share:

  • What made you happy this week!?

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