Clean Eating Spinach and Artichoke Frittata

This week, I have some late nights at the gym, early mornings, and not a ton of free time, but I still want to eat healthy meals that are Whole 30 and taste good.

Making my Mini Breakfast Crabby Egg Muffins last week was a HUGE time saver, so I knew that making a breakfast dish would really help me out during my busy week.

I was really in the mood to make a quiche to eat throughout the week, but because of grains not being compliant with the Whole 30 (non-gluten grains included) I would not be able to put it in a crust…as soon as I thought of creating a crustless quiche my brain immediately thought to make a FRITTATA!

Spinach and Artichoke Frittata via Treble in the Kitchen

So delicious!

frittata 6

Clean Eating Spinach and Artichoke Frittata


  • 1/4 cup onion, chopped
  • 1/3 cup green pepper, chopped
  • 1/2 cup quartered artichokes
  • 1 handful raw spinach
  • 3 eggs
  • 4 egg whites
  • 1 tsp garlic powder
  • salt and pepper to taste


  1.  Preheat oven to 350.  Heat a large nonstick skillet to medium high heat.
  2. Cook the onion, stirring gently for 1-2 minutes until the onions begin to turn translucent.
  3. Add in the green pepper and artichokes and cook for 2 more minutes, or until the green pepper softens.
  4. Next, add in the large handful of spinach to the skillet and cook until it wilts down in the pan.
  5. In a small bowl, whisk together the eggs, egg whites, garlic, salt and pepper.  Pour the egg mixture over the vegetables in the nonstick skillet.
  6. Allow the eggs and vegetables to cook for 3 minutes on top of the stove.  Notice the edges of the egg firming up!
  7. Place the pan and frittata in the oven (preheated to 350) and cook for 6-8 minutes.
  8. Remove the frittata from the oven with a hot mitt.  Cut into 4 servings and enjoy!!

frittata 1

frittata 2

frittata 3

frittata 4

frittata 5

frittata 6

I think this is a great recipe to use as a base.  I can see myself using different vegetables, maybe some salmon, or even putting a little salsa in the mix to spice things up.  So many options….I can even see this being a good breakfast for dinner meal too!!

Enjoy 🙂

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