Five Things Friday 1.17.14

Happy Friday!

I can’t believe how quickly this week flew.  This weekend will be full of lots of Les Mills choreography notes as we are teaching the new releases beginning Monday…I’ve got some work to do 😉

Today, I am participating in Five Things Friday with Clare from Fitting It All In.  Thanks for putting this together, Clare!

five things friday

Previous Five Things Fridays:


Five Things I Ate:

  • Delicious salmon with a yummy crockpot meal (I need to take some better pictures before I share the recipe!)

salmon and crockpot garam masala

zucchini sweet potato fritters 3

  • Scrambled eggs with sweet potato and spinach, with my favorite part of ALL meals of the day…a side of fruit with nut butter (it’s buried under all the cherries).


  • Lots of eggs

whole30 meal prep

  • Delicious lunch salads all week long! I think the avocado really put these over the top.  MMMM!

lunch salad

Five Workouts:

  • Bodypump
  • Yoga<—So glad I was able to get it in this week!!!
  • a High Intensity Training group workout
  • Bodycombat

Five Things Making Me Happy:

  • My new GoStak container!  It’s perfect for holding 2 hardboiled eggs in the bottom (one for pre-workout one for post workout), sweet potatoes in the middle for post workout, and nuts on top for preworkout.  I found mine at Walmart for just under $10.

go stak container

  • The fact that our Christmas decorations are still up 🙂 (I promise they are coming down this weekend!)

christmas tree 2013

  • Dinner with the girls tonight!! Seriously can’t wait 🙂
  • Mini Marathon Training starting NEXT WEEK! (No running yet, just getting to meet everyone)
  • Reading “It All Starts with Food” AND the fact that I am over halfway through the Whole 30 Challenge!

it starts with food whole30

Five Posts/Articles I Have Loved

I hope you all have a great weekend and Friday!

Time to Share!

  • What’s a favorite article or blog post you have read this week?
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  1. I need that GoStak container in my life. It would be PERFECT when packing Joshua’s meals for the day. I’ll have to check out Walmarts site. Thanks girl.