Feeling Guilty and Yoga Videos on Youtube

Confession #1:  One of my “New Year’s Goals” was to practice yoga one time a week.

Confession #2:  Last week I did  not practice yoga.

Confession #3:  I feel REALLY guilty about not practicing yoga last week!

I realize that this feeling of guilt is completely silly because this is a self-made goal and sometimes life gets in the way and you just have to go with the flow, but I feel completely guilty that in the second week of January I have already ” messed” up one of my goals.

Because I missed yoga last week, this morning when I would PREFER to go to an indoor cycling class I am choosing to go to yoga instead.

saturday yoga

I would almost always prefer to complete a high intensity workout that will have my heart racing by the end, but my muscles don’t always agree with me.  Stretching and practicing yoga are like chores for me.  I know I have to do it and I know it’s good for me and will help my physical fitness in my more intense workouts, but it’s still hard to make it part of my routine.

I’m not naturally flexible, and it is hard work for me to get into those poses!  But when I DO actually hit up a yoga class, I feel SO good afterward.  Not just physically good…but just all around mentally GOOD 🙂

So, to prevent myself from having another week without yoga (which I am sure will happen so I will try not to beat myself up over it) I have compiled a list of Yoga videos on Youtube from some of my favorite and some new-to-me yogis.

Yoga on Youtube

Yoga on Youtube Guide

tara stiles yoga

the yoga channel

yogi nora

yoga eFit30

jen peanut butter runner yoga

Jillian Michaels Yoga


Yoga with Adriene

Questions of the Morning:

  • Do you enjoy practicing yoga?
  • What is your favorite yoga video on Youtube?
  • Feeling guilty about any New Year’s Goals you need to work on?
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  1. It helps to have good partners who enjoy the same activities. It is nice to miss a yoga practice and come back next week and have people notice you were not there. It helps with moral support.

  2. I could NOT agree more with you!!!! That was also my 2014 goal, and although I did go twice this week, I have already decided I am not going for today as I am too tired after my tempo this morning.

    I feel the same about yoga as you….it is like a chore, I become too competitive, and I was doing it to increase flexibility to help me sleep better and become a better runner. The feeling when you leave is worthwhile though!!! Especially hot yoga, I leave the room feeling content and proud. Sometimes that can be similar to running hard, it is uncomfortable during, but the rush after is amazing!

    I would love to help support you and encourage you to keep it up if you would do the same? 🙂