Whole 30 Week 1 Review AND 20 Min Bodyweight Tabata Workout

It is officially the coldest day in Indianapolis since 1994! Β When I woke up, the windchill was at -38 (aka EXTREMELY cold!). Β  It is kind of eerie outside because there is absolutely no one to be found, as it is illegal to be out driving unless it is an emergency situation.

Brian and I stopped at the grocery store on Saturday to pick up a couple of staple items and this is what I found in the produce section:

no food at grocery

Probably the craziest thing I have seen in a long time!

Because of the extreme cold and the 10+ inches of snow we received here in Indy yesterday, almost everything is closed including the gym I work at.

That means I get a snow day today (yippee!) and it also means I need to figure out an alternative workout. Β I woke up around 6:30am and got straight to work on a 20 minute bodyweight tabata workout.

tabata workout 1

This is meΒ beforeΒ completing the workout. Β All smiles here!

before tabata

And this is meΒ afterΒ the workout. Β It sure felt great to sweat, despite the below freezing temps outside!

after tabata

I use the Tabata Timer app for workouts like these because it beeps to let you know when to work and when to rest. Β Just make sure you have the volume on your phone turned up.

20 min bodyweight tabata workout via treble in the kitchen

If you have questions about any of the exercises listed above, check out the videos below:

Whole 30 Week 1 Review

Today is Day 6 of my Whole 30 ChallengeΒ and things are going really well! Β I have been journaling a little bit each day and trying to take as many pictures of my food as I can.

I started eating the Whole 30 foods last Monday knowing that I would indulge in alcohol and sugar on Tuesday night to celebrate the New Year. Β I have not had any “cheats” since January 1, but I will say there have been some cravings for sure! Β My biggest craving has been something sweet or just a little “something” after dinner, but the Whole 30 encourages you to limit snacking and eat enough at all meals to get what you need. Β To deter my craving, I tell Brian about it and he tells me to stay strong and not give in and I drink LOTS of water πŸ™‚

Below is a brief journal of how I felt each day.

Pre-Day 1

  • Felt good all day.
  • Noticed there were a couple of times during they day when I wanted to eat but wasn’t β€œhungry.”
  • I had a strong craving for gum/something sweet like a flavored water or crystal light energy but did not give in.
  • Ended the day feeling great!

Pre-Day 2

  • Didn’t wake up with the β€œhangover” effect but felt a small headache possibly coming on.Β  I’m not sure if this was a menstrual cycle side effect or a Whole 30 side effect, but I took some Pamprin to ward it off.
  • I was more hungry in the morning than the previous day.

Day 1

  • Woke up with a slight headache.Β  Drank alcohol and had cookies and dairy at the New Year’s Eve party the day before.
  • Did not feel hung over, just felt tired with a slight headache.Β  Made sure to drink lots of water.
  • Was so tired in the evening, went to bed at 8:45pm.

Day 2

  • Woke up with no headache!Β  I thought for sure I would wake up with a headache because I went to bed with a slight headache.
  • Was very hungry this morning.
  • Felt pretty good the entire day, just a little tired.

Day 3

  • Woke up feeling very tired, but no headache.
  • Tired during the day, but not a yawny tired just kind of tired.
  • Was a little “hangry” after work, but as soon as I showered and ate dinner I was happy again.

Day 4

  • Woke up feeling kind of lethargic again, but still no headache.
  • Very hungry in the morning.
  • Was really in the mood for a β€œtreat” after dinner, but I just drank water.

Day 5

  • Woke up feeling lethargic with sore muscles.Β  Possibly from yoga the day before?
  • Very hungry in the morning.
  • No headache

Day 6

  • Still a little achy in the morning, but not as bad as the day before.
  • Definitely hungry in the morning, even after breakfast.
  • No headache!

After reading the Whole 30 Timeline, I kind of expected the worst but so far nothing CRAZY has happened to me and my emotions πŸ™‚

Below is a look at some of the food I ate during my first week. Β Lots of repeats. Β I wanted to keep things fairly simple to save time, but it was all tasty!

Whole 30 Week 1 Breakfasts:

Breakfast scramble reheated at work with 1 egg, 2 egg whites, jalapeno and spinach. Β Frozen berries and almond butter on the side.

whole30 breakfast

Scramble with 1 egg and 2 egg whites, broccoli, bell pepper, jalapeno and salsa with berries and almond butter on the side.

whole 30 scramble with berries and ab

Breakfast scramble with 1 egg and 2 egg whites, sweet potatoes, spinach and salsa with banana and mango topped with almond butter on the side.

whole 30 breakfast with fruit

Breakfast scramble with 1 egg and 2 egg whites, spinach, sweet potato and avocado with berries on the side.

whole 30 scramble with avo and berries

Breakfast scramble with 1 egg and 2 egg whites, sweet potato, spinach, onion, and salmon with fruit and almond butter on the side.

sweet potato scramble

Whole 30 Week 1 Lunches:

Mayo Free Tuna Salad with raw veggies on the side.

whole30 tuna salad

Salad with greens topped with cucumber, bell pepper, olives, onion, celery, carrots, and salmon. I used red wine vinegar mixed with garlic, salt, pepper, and Italian seasoning for dressing.

whole 30 lunch salad

Whole 30 Week 1 Dinners:

Vegetable Shrimp Curry

whole30 veg shrimp curry crock pot

For one meal, we went to Brian’s parent’s house and they cooked up lots of veggies, fish, and served me just the soup part of french onion soup….so good!

salmon dinner

french onion soup

wedge salad

Ratatouilli (recipe coming soon!!) with a side of baked salmon.

ratatouilli 4

This was probably my favorite meal yet: Β Sweet potato “nachos” topped with spinach, salmon, onion, bell pepper, homemade guacamole and salsa with a side of steamed broccoli.

whole 30 sweet potato nachos

Pre and Post Workout Meals

Another “rule” in the Whole 30 meal plan is that you must eat before and after a workout in addition to the three meals you are already eating.

Because I am a morning worker outer, my pre-workout meal has been a coconut milk iced coffee and a hardboiled egg.

egg and coffee

My post workout meal has been half of a baked sweet potato and another hardboiled egg.

egg and sweet potato

Lots and lots of eggs, veggies, and fish πŸ™‚ Β But honestly, everything tastes delicious!

Question of the Morning:

  • Share one delicious thing you ate last week!
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  1. Hi,
    I am on day 3 of the whole 30. I ate gluten free (and not with GF substitute products) with no soda for the past two years, so this shouldn’t be as big of a shock to my system as some. I did notice my morning workout seemed more difficult today. There may be other factors, but I was wondering if this was typical with the Whole 30? And, thanks for the food ideas, variety will help.

    • I didn’t notice that my workout was any harder, but I think everyone reacts differently to this. Good luck with the Whole 30 πŸ™‚ I think you will love it!

  2. Hi, I’ll star the program this week and that is a thing that i want to know, how much time after eating your pos workout did you have breakfast? I have this doubt and i can’t find a answer anywhere. Xoxo

    • The tuna salad is so good!! I even tried it with leftover salmon…also delicious! Thanks for pinning the workout. πŸ™‚

    • Amy, Whole30 really is attainable!!! πŸ™‚ Let me know if you have specific questions or want to try it πŸ™‚ I know it’s “not” Whole30, but that scone sounds amazing!!!!! πŸ™‚ It’s all about balance chica!