One-Pot Curry Lentils and Vegetables

I am so excited to share this recipe with you!

Sunday night, Brian and I arrived home from our fun Chicago weekend ready for veggies, ready for a quick dinner, ready to relax.  We stopped at the grocery store to pick up a couple of staple items for the week, but for the most part I had planned on using items I had on hand.

I wanted easy clean up, a healthy and simple meal to fuel us as we prepared for the upcoming week.  Into the giant pot went a TON of veggies, lentils, and some seasoning in hopes of making a deliciously healthy comforting meal.

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Oh yum!

As Brian and I tried our first bites, we were both very impressed by the result of this meal, and the best part about it?  It made enough for six servings…three nights of dinner made in one pot right before heading into a busy week?  Sounds like a win to me!

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While I am not a leftover lover, I do appreciate simply being able to reheat/assemble a meal for the nights when I work late.  Having things like pre-cut produce and large batches of veggie soup/chili on hand and in the fridge help Brian and I stay on track and eat healthy even when we are busy.

One Pot Curry Lentil Stew via Treble in the Kitchen

One Pot Curry Lentil Stew

Yields:  5-6 servings


  • 2 cups lentils, rinsed
  • 2, 14.5oz cans diced tomato and onion
  • 4 cups fresh spinach
  • 1 carrot, chopped
  • 2 cups cauliflower florets
  • 2 tsp sea salt
  • 1 tsp pepper
  • 2 tsp green curry paste
  • 4 cups vegetable broth


  1. Place all ingredients in pot.
  2. Bring to boil, then turn down the heat to low and simmer for 30 minutes.
  3. Serve and enjoy!

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I hope you enjoy this recipe as much as we did!

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    • Sammy, it is so good! I just ate the last of our leftovers last night and they were just as amazing as the first night 🙂