New Foods and a Mango Smoothie

Recently, I feel like I have been trying lots of new-to-me foods.

I tried Delicata Squash:

Delicata Squash 2

This may be my favorite of ALL the cold winter squash.  I cooked it up this weekend for a blog project, and I was so happy to find that this squash was creamy, tasted buttery (without any added butter!), almost tasted cheesy, and was so comforting.  I couldn’t get enough of it and I cannot WAIT to cook it again!

I also tried black quinoa.

Black quinoa

This quinoa was very similar to regular quinoa with it’s slightly nutty flavor, but had a bit more crunch.  I would use this interchangeably with regular quinoa in recipes where I want things to look a bit more vibrant.

In addition to trying new-to-me foods, I also switched up my smoothie.  Last week I was ALL ABOUT pumpkin smoothies, so on Sunday I switched it up and made myself a MANGO smoothie.  So good and creamy!!

This was my post-run smoothie on Sunday and did an excellent job of refueling me after 8 rainy miles.  The mango is full of healthy carbs, potassium to reduce muscle soreness and they add an extra amount of creaminess to the smoothie.  I added in protein powder to aid in muscle recovery as well.  This smoothie tasted great and was easy to drink down after a nice, long run despite not “feeling” that hungry 🙂

Mango smoothie text

Green Mango Smoothie


  • 1 frozen banana
  • 1/2 cup frozen mango
  • 1/2 cup almond milk
  • 1/4 cup plain Greek nonfat yogurt
  • 1 scoop vanilla protein powder
  • 1 handful of spinach
  • 2 ice cubes (to make it extra cold!)


Combine all ingredients in the blender and blend on high until smooth and creamy.  Enjoy!

Questions of the Morning:

  • What new fall foods have you tried?
  • Have you tried delicata squash or black quinoa?  Share any recipes you have below, I would love to try them out!

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  1. Ohhhh so interesting you tried black quinoa! I’ve seen a lot of varieties recently but haven’t branched out because I don’t want to spend the money and then not like it. Glad to hear a positive review 🙂

  2. I got your card in the mail this afternoon! I will write up a post about it soon and link back 🙂

    As for delicata- I have recently discovered it too and it’s absolutely my favorite as well. I just had some for lunch in a homemade soup actually.

  3. it sounds to me that i’d prefer black quinoa over regular due to the crunch! i love black sticky rice. it’s the only rice i enjoy because of its fun hearty texture!

  4. Mango smoothies are my favorite! This one looks delicious. I like adding kiwi with my mango- the perfect tropical blend. 🙂 I haven’t tried delicata squash, but it sounds great! Thanks for sharing!