Sweet Ricotta Snack

Happy Friday!

This week has been insanely busy (in a good way!) but it literally feels like Monday was about 5 seconds ago…seriously where did the week go!?


Last night, I got home from work around 7:45pm and although I knew I would be hitting the hay relatively soon, I was hungry and in need of a little snack. Β We had some ricotta in the fridge leftover from my lasagna attempt, and I absolutely love the taste of ricotta so I thought I would get a little creative.

I had no idea if my kitchen experiment would even taste halfway decent…but it did!

cinnamon honey ricotta snack bowl text

The honey and cinnamon added the perfect touch of sweetness making this “snack” taste more like a treat or dessert! Β It was so simple, I am glad that I tried it out so next time I have a hankering for something sweet I can turn to this which is a little more substantial than a bowl of M&Ms (although M&Ms are pretty tasty too!)

Cinnamon Honey Ricotta Snack Bowl

  • 1/4 cup low fat ricotta
  • 1 tsp honey drizzled over the top
  • sprinkle with cinnamon

I hope you all enjoy!

Happy Friday and happy weekend!

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  1. I would NEVER think to put cinnamon and honey on ricotta cheese. I’m not even sure how I’d like it, but it is certainly an interesting idea. I know that some people also eat cottage cheese with fruit and other sweeter things.

    • The ricotta is savory enough with a slightly salty hint (because it is cheesy!) that the combo has a delicious sweet and salty flavor πŸ™‚

  2. i’ve heard about using ricotta as a snack before but have never done so! this sounds perfect and reminds me of the snacks i make with plain cho.