Mayo Free Tuna Salad

Yesterday, Brian and I planned to complete our last “longish” run before our 6 mile race, the Firecracker 6 which is one week from today.

Unfortunately, my body had other plans and about three miles into the run I started to feel shaky, dizzy, and just not quite right so Brian and I walked home.

I was pretty disappointed with myself, but Brian and I agreed to try the run again today and participate in a yoga class that evening.


The yoga class was amazing, as it was very light-hearted (there were lots of giggles and smiles throughout the class from all the participants!), it pushed my limits with a couple challenging poses, and really gave my muscles the much needed TLC they needed. All was good!

Fast forward to this morning, and again Brian and I planned to complete the final 5.5 mile run we had scheduled…

run garmin

Unfortunately, that did not happen.  AGAIN right around 3 miles I started to feel dizzy and shaky.  This time, we stopped for some ice water and again we walked home.

tara sad runI honestly felt very disappointed in myself that I could not complete the “easy” 5.5 mile run TWO DAYS IN A ROW when I have completed several runs even farther than that.

I then thought about my yoga class last night, and the instructor said something that really resonated with me:

“The body is different every. single. day. Take away all expectations from your yoga practice today and just pay attention to how your body is right now.”

The body really IS different every day.  Thinking of this really helped me realize that I should not beat myself up over not completing a run. I was still able to walk home.  I feel much better now that I have showered, eaten breakfast, and drank some water AND if this happens again during the race SO WHAT?  Will I be a little frustrated?  Probably. But the point is that I got out there and tried and I am honoring what my body wants me to do.

That in itself feels pretty darn good 🙂

Moving on to some more light-hearted things…

Mayo Free Tuna Salad

This week, I have been enjoying tuna salad.  I’ve eaten it on top of greens, dipped my veggies in it, and I have eaten it plain.  I can’t wait to share this mayo free tuna salad recipe with you because it comes together so quickly and is absolutely tasty!!

mayo free tuna salad

Mayo Free Tuna Salad

  • 1 can tuna, drained
  • 2 Tbsp cottage cheese
  • 1 Tbsp plain, nonfat Greek yogurt
  • 1/4 avocado
  • 1/4 cup onion
  • salt and pepper to taste

Simply combine all ingredients in a bowl.  Serve with crackers, fresh veggies, on a wrap, as a sandwich, over a salad, or eat it plain 🙂


Question of the Morning:

  • Do you set expectations for yourself before you complete a workout?  
  • How do you react when those expectations are not met?

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    • Oh!! I am such an olive fan… I will have to try that out 🙂 Anything with olives for me is seriously the bomb!

  1. my mom has made a tuna salad like this before, with greek yogurt. it was AMAZING. i’m sure yours is too 🙂
    i’m proud of you for taking what the yoga teacher said and using it to reassure yourself that you trusted your body and did the right thing. you are a strong person both mentally and physically for trusting your body and giving yourself props for trying again for the second run after the first didn’t go well.

    • Thanks Caitlin!!! 🙂 It is so hard to listen to my body sometimes, but at the end of the day I do know that is what is best. The body is a pretty smart thing!!

  2. Hunnie, don’t beat yourself up over not being able to complete the miles these past two days. You know you can do it, heck you’ve done it many times before. Just smile, and remind yourself that your body was healthy enough to let you know things were going to go in a different direction today. Stay positive <3

    • Thanks, Jessie. You are so right!! My body IS healthy enough to say “hey!! Take a break!” I am so thankful for that 🙂 No injuries needed here!