Guest Post: Healthy and Easy Desserts

Happy Wednesday, friends!

Brian and I are still honeymooning away, so I have another guest post for you today.  Today’s guest post about Healthy and Easy Desserts comes from the amazing Anne of fANNEtastic food!  I have been reading Anne’s blog for quite some time now, and I absolutely love her delicious and beautiful recipes and I have really enjoyed following her journey to become an Registered Dietician!  As someone with a large sweet tooth, I am always looking for healthier dessert options as I experiment in the kitchen.  Thanks so much for sharing, Anne!


Hey, Treble in the Kitchen Readers! I’m Anne, a D.C. area Registered Dietitian (RD) with an online-based nutrition counseling private practice and a health & fitness blogger over at fANNEtastic food. Before I continue with my guest post, I want to say a BIG congrats to Tara and Brian for tying the knot! I hope the two of them are having a blast on their honeymoon in Italy – I was actually just there in May! Such a beautiful place.

Anyway! On my blog, I love sharing healthy recipes and quick meal ideas, health tips, and fitness and running adventures (my first full marathon is this fall!). I’m certainly not a gourmet chef and I love showing readers and clients that it doesn’t have to be hard or time consuming to eat healthy. Along those lines, for today’s guest post, I thought it would be fun to share a few of my favorite healthy and easy dessert recipes! Enjoy. 🙂


First up is a healthier remake of an old classic: Oatmeal Dark Chocolate Chunk Cookies. These are healthy but not TOO healthy, if you know what I mean. 😉 They’re a good place to start if you want something that tastes like a typical cookie but is lightened up just a little!


Need gluten free? Check out my Gluten Free Chocolate Chip Cookies recipe instead! Made with chickpea flour and oats, these are higher in protein than normal cookies but just as delicious.

gluten free chocolate chip cookies

Next up is one of my absolute favorites: my Oatmeal Banana Coconut Cookies! These are made with whole wheat pastry flour, high protein Greek yogurt, and bananas for sweetness without extra added sugar. They’re easy to make, flavorful, and soft! No butter or oil necessary.


Want something similar, but vegan? Try my Oatmeal Banana Pumpkin Cookies instead – the pumpkin adds extra nutrients and moisture and omits the need for Greek yogurt, keeping the cookies vegan. Yum, yum!


Looking for a dessert that sounds fancy but is actually super easy? Try my Sweet Potato Whole Wheat Bread Pudding. This would make a great dessert for a summer BBQ party!


And last but not least… Citrus Zest Cake. As delicious as it sounds, but completely whole grain, much lower in sugar than normal cakes, and full of flavor from the orange zest. Perfect for summer!


I hope you enjoyed these fun and healthy dessert recipes. Thanks again to Tara for having me!

What’s your favorite healthy dessert?

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  2. Thank you for having me, Tara, and for the sweet words about my blog! Thanks for reading 🙂

    Hope you’re having a blast!