High Intensity Circuit

Hello friends!

I warned you yesterday that my meals this week were going to be *random* and *creative*…well here is a look at last night’s dinner:

dinnerFirst of all, this photo is very misleading.  I had way more than one tortilla chip 😉

Second of all, this meal was thrown together in probably 10 minutes and was pretty darn tasty considering how random it was.  I had some pre-steamed spaghetti squash, Morningstar Farms Meal Starters, onion, and salsa.  I cooked up the onion and meal starters together until they were thoroughly cooked through.  I then added in the spaghetti squash, cumin, and chili powder.  I allowed this to get hot all the way through.  Then, I put the meal onto two plates, topped it with salsa and called it a night!

Like I said, super random meal (and not pretty by any means) but it did the job and tasted good.


This morning Brian and I completed the following circuit at the gym.

High Intensity Circuit


I love circuit workouts like this because they keep my interest the ENTIRE time as I am constantly switching to a new exercise.  This is also great to do with a partner, because you can have your partner doing the opposite exercise at the “station” and then switch with each other after that one minute mark.

It also helps to have someone pushing through the sweat with you to use as a little motivation during this circuit workout 🙂

Here are some video links to exercises you may have questions about:

Question of the Morning:

  • What is a “random” or “creative” meal that you have conjured up recently?

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  1. I love workouts like that too. Always challenging my muscles and my brain. It also makes the workout go by so much quicker. I am in dire need of making some randomness in the kitchen. I am at a loss for tomorrow so who knows what I will come up with.